sg3_utils-libs-1.28-13.el6$>'",ri-\>:?d  :tx (0 4 8 @  T(8898: 8>@GH IXY$\@]H^nbzdefltuv$wxy Csg3_utils-libs1.2813.el6Shared library for sg3_utilsThis package contains the shared library for sg3_utils.[){CentOSGPLv2+ and BSDCentOS BuildSystem System Environment/Libraries{[)[)   @ /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/'@Vs@VjUT\@T Sh@Q?@N@L(KO@KJI@JlE@III2IHhGG@GGF<@E'EX^@D@DDm@C@C@CCoAB%BA~@@PT@3S?? >@>>@=ZF@=C<@ - 1.28-13David Sommerseth - 1.28-12David Sommerseth - 1.28-11David Sommerseth - 1.28-10David Sommerseth - 1.28-9David Sommerseth - 1.28-8David Sommerseth - 1.28-7Dan Horák - 1.28-6Dan Horák - 1.28-5Dan Horák - 1.28-4Dan Horák - 1.28-3Dan Horák - 1.28-2Dennis Gregorovic - 1.28-1.1Dan Horák - 1.28-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.27-2Dan Horák - 1.27-1Dan Horák - 1.26-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.26-3Dan Horák - 1.26-2Dan Horák - 1.26-1Phil Knirsch - 1.25-4Phil Knirsch - 1.25-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.25-2Phil Knirsch - 1.25-1Phil Knirsch - 1.23-2Phil Knirsch - 1.23-1Phil Knirsch - 1.22-1Jesse Keating - 1.20-2.1Phil Knirsch - 1.20-2Phil Knirsch - 1.20-1Jesse Keating - 1.19-1.1Phil Knirsch - 1.19-1Jesse Keating - 1.17-1.1Phil Knirsch 1.17-1Phil Knirsch 1.06-5Phil Knirsch 1.06-4Phil Knirsch 1.06-3Tim Powers 1.06-2Phil Knirsch 1.06-1- Fix regression on '--luns' option. (RHBZ #1380346)- Fix issues with leading and trailing white spaces in device types (#1311138)- Avoid deletion of /dev/null (#1245302) - Fix sg_persist returns "Host_status=0x11 is invalid", backport of DID_TRANSPORT_*/DID_TARGET_/DID_NEXUS_FAILURE flags (#886611)- Fix issues with multi worded device types (#1210438)- Added packaging of COPYING (#974147) - Removed packaging of INSTALL (info not needed for binary installs)- Added some late upstream updates fixing some coverity scan issues- backported sg_xcopy and sg_copy_results (#1051363)- update to 1.57 (#857200) - Resolves: #857200- sginfo should not open /dev/snapshot (#920687) - Resolves: #920687- issue scan command also for iSCSI - #628553 - Resolves: #628553- fix for scanning first LUN mentioned in comment 11 of #538787 - Related: #538787- include rescan-scsi-bus script 1.35 - rebase patches and add fix for issue mentioned in #538787 - Related: #538787- Rebuilt for RHEL 6- update to version 1.28 - added fixes from RHEL to - added scsi-rescan symlink to the script- Rebuilt for update to version 1.27 - changelog: add dependency between the libs subpackage and the main package (#492921)- Rebuilt for update URL - include rescan-scsi-bus script 1.29- update to upstream version 1.26- Dropped really unnecessary Provides of sg_utils (#226414) - Use --disable-static in configure (#226414)- Specfile cleanup, removal of static development libraries (#226414)- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- Fixed URLs - Updated to sg3_utils-1.25- License review and update- Update to sg3_utils-1.23 - Updated summary- Update to sg3_utils-1.22- rebuild- Fixed rebuild problem on latest toolchain - Added missing buildprereqs- Update to sg3_utils-1.20.- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- Update to sg3_utils-1.19. - Fixed rebuild problem on 64bit archs.- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Update to sg3-utils-1.17 - Split package up into 3 subpackages: sg3_utils, devel and libs - Some minor updates to the specfile- bump release and rebuild with gcc 4- rebuilt- rebuilt- rebuild- Initial version for RHEL3 U2.- sg3_utils.spec for mandrake; more sginfo work, sg_scan, sg_logs * sg3_utils-1.06- sg_readcap: sizes; sg_logs: double fetch; sg_map 256 sg devices; sginfo * sg3_utils-1.05- default sg_turs '-n=' to 1, sg_logs gets '-t' for temperature, CREDITS * sg3_utils-1.04- 6 byte CDBs for sg_modes, sg_start on block devs, sg_senddiag, man pages * sg3_utils-1.03- interwork with block SG_IO, fix in sginfo, '-t' for sg_turs * sg3_utils-1.02- raw switch in sg_inq * sg3_utils-1.01- decode sg_logs pages, add dio to sgm_dd, drop "gen=1" arg, "of=/dev/null" * sg3_utils-1.00- add sg_modes+sg_logs for sense pages, expand sg_inq, add fua+sync to sg_dd++ * sg3_utils-0.99- resurrect sg_reset; snprintf cleanup, time,gen+cdbsz args to sg_dd++ * sg3_utils-0.98- move isosize to archive directory; now found in util-linux-2.10s and later * sg3_utils-0.97- add sgm_dd, sg_read, sg_simple4 and sg_simple16 [add mmap-ed IO support] * sg3_utils-0.96- sg_map can do inquiry; sg_dd, sgp_dd + sgq_dd dio help * sg3_utils-0.95- add sg_start, improve sginfo and sg_map [Kurt Garloff] * sg3_utils-0.94- add scsi_devfs_scan, add sg_include.h, 'coe' more general in sgp_dd * sg3_utils-0.93- clean sg_err.h include dependencies, bug fixes, Makefile in archive directory * sg3_utils-0.92- signals for sg_dd, man pages and additions for sg_rbuf and isosize * sg3_utils-0.91- Initial creation of package, containing * sg3_utils-0.90/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, strippeddirectorysymbolic link to `'RPRRRRRRR ?`7zXZ !PH6}]"k%w*("BvA՘g8mkx!J ~~KZϛD!XN?,ZXǞaL.ʂDV2e?ƃA1!'F(ҩEABI}?U *98Ys Cɀ'tc@XwiC" Q^7{ AF$]6'^Pe?O$+*A{TwHTƺOreyQ371U0 zaN!C8 `'xRc\4El'h?98 ;ȉqbZ;4TNR1yr| S&]=>2H/֯E"` ]pL]Pu!љQEPN$tDЙXaYg..fӞ@tr+s삈۠rqp/ZeyFP=R]d eUz3|N|oNmhݻwlQcN%oLu!( U\Phuev$U˛I!mHߜq،|=#[^Y꽃jV5lРq6pDߙ PqrGapkE^'RR)Se6?Q,X@؊JLc )c,ӐNMk`5dH bqE%$ @D9qHnt%ᑍ$9]>=,&aTn(gO]z>C1J^rRS$s =q&%3*Ձϧq8~ ml+@ڒ n.yOH.|'x6gRN r e(Oehqw?:UD8|H2,{@hr@_p_!2G5x5mtGsE6s%ܗH|ZM7*Qj6m|bg>sj4O!pcUO!/7Sи}2;Qew*z~7ޑw&3&<㨩x$bq{HB])alyfQU98+tAI1 n"=`lNia>~- }sd# Aȧ5oVoYUw& c* W餯)uc@:6>o^A$9g$Sv04FM<{y wjbŴ\WB