nss-3.28.4-1.el6_9$>^, OpCt.>??d   /hl |8 h         T   `     $  T[L<<<Q<(89 \:U1>@G H I X[Yp[\ ]( ^ñbdteyf|l~tĘ u vwŠ x yCnss3.28.41.el6_9Network Security ServicesNetwork Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. Applications built with NSS can support SSL v2 and v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509 v3 certificates, and other security standards.X c1bl.rdu2.centos.org)6CentOSMPLv2.0CentOS BuildSystem System Environment/Librarieshttp://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/linuxx86_64# If we upgrade, and the shared filename is a regular file, then we must # remove it, before we can install the alternatives symbolic link. if [ $1 -gt 1 ] ; then # when upgrading or downgrading if ! test -L /usr/lib64/libnssckbi.so; then rm -f /usr/lib64/libnssckbi.so fi fi # Install the symbolic link # FYI: Certain other packages use alternatives --set to enforce that the first # installed package is preferred. We don't do that. Highest priority wins. /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install /usr/lib64/libnssckbi.so \ libnssckbi.so.x86_64 /usr/lib64/nss/libnssckbi.so 10 /sbin/ldconfigif [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then # package removal /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove libnssckbi.so.x86_64 /usr/lib64/nss/libnssckbi.so else # upgrade or downgrade # If the new installed package uses a regular file (not a symblic link), # then cleanup the alternatives link. if ! test -L /usr/lib64/libnssckbi.so; then /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove libnssckbi.so.x86_64 /usr/lib64/nss/libnssckbi.so fi fi /sbin/ldconfig@@lø A큤A큤큤XX 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@rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootnss-3.28.4-1.el6_9.src.rpmconfig(nss)libnss3.so()(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.10)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.10.2)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.11)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.11.1)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.11.2)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.11.7)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.11.9)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.12)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.12.1)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.12.10)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.12.3)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.12.4)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.12.5)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.12.6)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.12.7)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.12.9)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.13)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.13.2)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.14)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.14.1)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.14.3)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.15)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.15.4)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.16.1)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.16.2)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.18)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.19)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.19.1)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.2)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.2.1)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.21)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.22)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.3)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.3.1)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.4)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.5)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.6)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.7)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.7.1)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.8)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.9)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.9.2)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.9.3)(64bit)libnssckbi.so()(64bit)libnssckbi.so(NSS_3.1)(64bit)libnsspem.so()(64bit)libnsspem.so(NSS_3.1)(64bit)libsmime3.so()(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.10)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.12.10)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.12.2)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.13)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.15)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.16)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.18)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.2)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.2.1)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.3)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.4)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.4.1)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.6)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.7)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.7.2)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.8)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.9)(64bit)libsmime3.so(NSS_3.9.3)(64bit)libssl3.so()(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.11.4)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.11.8)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.12.10)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.12.6)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.13)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.13.2)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.14)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.15)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.15.4)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.2)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.2.1)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.20)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.21)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.22)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.23)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.24)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.27)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.28)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.4)(64bit)libssl3.so(NSS_3.7.4)(64bit)nssnss(x86-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 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/bin/sh/bin/sh/usr/sbin/update-alternatives/usr/sbin/update-alternativesconfig(nss)libc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4)(64bit)libdl.so.2()(64bit)libfreebl3.so()(64bit)libnspr4.so()(64bit)libnss3.so()(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.10)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.11)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.11.1)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.11.2)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.12)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.12.6)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.14)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.14.3)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.15)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.19.1)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.2)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.21)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.22)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.3)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.3.1)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.4)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.6)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.7)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.8)(64bit)libnss3.so(NSS_3.9)(64bit)libnssdbm3.so()(64bit)libnssutil3.so()(64bit)libnssutil3.so(NSSUTIL_3.12)(64bit)libnssutil3.so(NSSUTIL_3.12.3)(64bit)libnssutil3.so(NSSUTIL_3.12.5)(64bit)libnssutil3.so(NSSUTIL_3.13)(64bit)libnssutil3.so(NSSUTIL_3.14)(64bit)libnssutil3.so(NSSUTIL_3.15)(64bit)libnssutil3.so(NSSUTIL_3.17.1)(64bit)libnssutil3.so(NSSUTIL_3.21)(64bit)libnssutil3.so(NSSUTIL_3.24)(64bit)libplc4.so()(64bit)libplds4.so()(64bit)libpthread.so.0()(64bit)libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libsoftokn3.so()(64bit)libz.so.1()(64bit)nsprnss-softokn(x86-64)nss-system-initnss-utilrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rtld(GNU_HASH)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.28.4-1.el6_94. 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Engert - 3.11.7-8Bob Relyea - 3.11.7-7Kai Engert - 3.11.7-6Kai Engert - 3.11.7-5Kai Engert - 3.11.7-4Kai Engert - 3.11.7-3Kai Engert - 3.11.7-2Kai Engert - 3.11.5-2Kai Engert - 3.11.5-1Bob Relyea - 3.11.4-4Kai Engert - 3.11.4-1Kai Engert - 3.11.3-2Kai Engert - 3.11.3-1Kai Engert - 3.11.2-2Jesse Keating - 3.11.2-1.1Kai Engert - 3.11.2-1Kai Engert - 3.11.1-2Kai Engert - 3.11.1-1Kai Engert - 3.11-4Jesse Keating - 3.11-3.2Jesse Keating - 3.11-3.1Ray Strode 3.11-3Christopher Aillon 3.11-2Christopher Aillon 3.11-1Christopher Aillon 3.11-0.cvs.2Christopher Aillon 3.11-0.cvsKai Engert Rob Crittenden 3.10-1- Rebase to 3.28.4- Fix crash with tstclnt -W - Adjust gtests to run with our old softoken and downstream patches- Avoid cipher suite ordering change, spotted by Hubert Kario- Rebase to 3.28.3 - Remove upstreamed moz-1282627-rh-1294606.patch, moz-1312141-rh-1387811.patch, moz-1315936.patch, and moz-1318561.patch - Remove no longer necessary nss-duplicate-ciphers.patch - Disable X25519 and exclude tests using it - Catch failed ASN1 decoding of RSA keys, by Kamil Dudka (#1427481)- Update expired PayPalEE.cert- Disable unsupported test cases in ssl_gtests- Adjust the sslstress.txt filename so that it matches with the disableSSL2tests patch ported from RHEL 7 - Exclude SHA384 and CHACHA20_POLY1305 ciphersuites from stress tests - Don't add gtests and ssl_gtests to nss_tests, unless gtests are enabled- Add patch to fix SSL CA name leaks, taken from NSS 3.27.2 release - Add patch to fix bash syntax error in tests/ssl.sh - Add patch to remove duplicate ciphersuites entries in sslinfo.c - Add patch to abort selfserv/strsclnt/tstclnt on non-parsable version range - Build with support for SSLKEYLOGFILE- Update fix_multiple_open patch to fix regression in openldap client - Remove pk11_genobj_leak patch, which caused crash with Firefox - Add comment in the policy file to preserve the last empty line - Disable SHA384 ciphersuites when CKM_TLS12_KEY_AND_MAC_DERIVE is not provided by softoken; this superseds check_hash_impl patch- Fix problem in check_hash_impl patch- Add patch to check if hash algorithms are backed by a token - Add patch to disable TLS_ECDHE_{RSA,ECDSA}_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, which have never enabled in the past- Add upstream patch to fix a crash. Mozilla #1315936- Disable the use of RSA-PSS with SSL/TLS. #1390161- Use updated upstream patch for RH bug 1387811- Added upstream patches to fix RH bugs 1057388, 1294606, 1387811- Enable gtests when requested- Rebase to NSS 3.27.1 - Remove nss-646045.patch, which is not necessary - Remove p-disable-md5-590364-reversed.patch, which is no-op here, because the patched code is removed later in %setup - Remove disable_hw_gcm.patch, which is no-op here, because the patched code is removed later in %setup. Also remove NSS_DISABLE_HW_GCM setting, which was only required for RHEL 5 - Add Bug-1001841-disable-sslv2-libssl.patch and Bug-1001841-disable-sslv2-tests.patch, which completedly disable EXPORT ciphersuites. Ported from RHEL 7 - Remove disable-export-suites-tests.patch, which is covered by Bug-1001841-disable-sslv2-tests.patch - Remove nss-ca-2.6-enable-legacy.patch, as we decided to not allow 1024 legacy CA certificates - Remove ssl-server-min-key-sizes.patch, as we decided to support DH key size greater than 1023 bits - Remove nss-init-ss-sec-certs-null.patch, which appears to be no-op, as it clears memory area allocated with PORT_ZAlloc() - Remove nss-disable-sslv2-libssl.patch, nss-disable-sslv2-tests.patch, sslauth-no-v2.patch, and nss-sslstress-txt-ssl3-lower-value-in-range.patch as SSLv2 is already disabled in upstream - Remove fix-nss-test-filtering.patch, which is fixed in upstream - Add nss-check-policy-file.patch from Fedora - Install policy config in /etc/pki/nss-legacy/nss-rhel6.config- Ensure all ssl.sh tests are executed- Update sslauth patch to run more tests- Fix syntax errors in patch that disables sslv2 tests - Resolves: Bug 1297888 - Rebase RHEL 6.8 to NSS 3.21 for Firefox 45- Resolves: Bug 1304812 - Disable support for SSLv2 completely.- Add patches for ABI compatibility- Disable extended master-secret due to older version of softoken- Enable two additional ciphers and keep another one disabled - Prevent enabling extended masker key derive- Rebase to NSS-3.21- Prevent TLS 1.2 Transcript Collision attacks against MD5 in key exchange protocol - Resolves: Bug 1289890- Package listsuites as part of the unsupported tools set - Resolves: Bug 1283655- Resolves: Bug 1272504 - Enable TLS 1.2 as the default in nss- Rebuild against updated NSPR- Sync up with the rhel-6.6 branch - Resolves: Bug 1224450- Additional NULL initialization.- Updated the patch to keep old cipher suite order - Resolves: Bug 1224450- Rebase to nss-3.19.1 - Resolves: Bug 1224450- On RHEL 6.x keep the TLS version defaults unchanged. - Require softokn build 22 to ensure runtime compatibility. - Relax the requirement from pkcs11-devel to nss-softokn-freebl-devel to allow same or newer. - Update to CKBI 2.4 from NSS 3.18.1 (the only change in NSS 3.18.1)- Update and reeneable nss-646045.patch on account of the rebase - Resolves: Bug 1200900 - Rebase nss to 3.18 for Firefox 38 ESR [RHEL7.1]- Fix shell syntax error in nss/tests/all.sh - Resolves: Bug 1200900 - Rebase nss to 3.18 for Firefox 38 ESR [RHEL-6.6]- Restore a patch that had been mistakenly disabled - Resolves: Bug 1200900 - Rebase nss to 3.18 for Firefox 38 ESR [RHEL-6.6]- Replace expired PayPal test certificate that breaks the build - Resolves: Bug 1200900 - Rebase nss to 3.18 for Firefox 38 ESR [RHEL-6.6]- Resolves: Bug 1200900 - Rebase nss to 3.18 for Firefox 38 ESR [RHEL-6.6] - Resolves: Bug 1131311 - rhel65 ns-slapd crash, segfault error 4 in libnss3.so in PK11_DoesMechanism at pk11slot.c:1824 - Temporarily disable some tests until expired PayPalEE.cert is renewed- Keep the same cipher suite order as we had in NSS_3_15_3_RTM - Resolves: Bug 1123092 - openldap-2.4.23-34.el6_5.1.i686 fails after updating nss to nss-3.16.1-4.el6_5.i686- Resolves: Bug 1158160 - Upgrade to NSS for Firefox 31.3 - Remove unused indentation pseudo patch - require nss util - Restore patch for certutil man page - supply missing options descriptions to the man page- Resolves: Bug 1158160 - Upgrade to NSS for Firefox 31.3- Resolves: Bug 1145432 - CVE-2014-1568- Fix pem deadlock caused by previous version of a fix for a race condition - Fixes: Bug 1090681- Add references to bugs filed upstream - Related: Bug 1090681, Bug 1104300- Resolves: Bug 1090681 - RHDS 9.1 389-ds-base- crash in PK11_DoesMechanism- Replace expired PayPal test certificate that breaks the build - Related: Bug 1099619- Fix defects found by coverity - Resolves: Bug 1104300- Backport nss-3.12.6 upstream fix required by Firefox 31 - Resolves: Bug 1099619- Update nspr-version to 4.10.6- Update pem sources to the same ones used on rhel-7 - Remove no longer needed patches on account of this update - Resolves: Bug 1002205- Move removal of directories to the end of the %prep section - Resolves: Bug 689919 - build without any softoken or util sources in the tree- Remove unused patches rendered obsolete- Fix pem module trashing of private keys on failed login - Resolves: Bug 1002205 - PEM module trashes private keys if login fails- Restore use of indentation patch until another bug is resolved - Resolves: Bug 606022 - nss security tools lack man pages- Update to nss-3.16.1 - Resolves: Bug 1099619 - Rebase nss in RHEL 6.6 to NSS 3.16.1- Resolves: Bug 689919 - build without any softoken or util sources in the tree - Add define-uint32.patch to deal with using older version of nss-softokn - Fix suboptimal test failure detection shell code in the %check section- Prevent users from disabling the internal crypto module - Resolves: Bug 1059176 - nss segfaults with opencryptoki module- Improve support for ECDSA algorithm via pluggable ECC - Document the purpose of the iquote.patch - Resolves: Bug 1057224 - Pluggable ECC in NSS not enabled on RHEL 6 and above- Install man pages for the nss security tools - Resolves: Bug 606022 - nss security tools lack man pages- Fix the numbering and naming of the patches - Resolves: Bug 895339 - [PEM] active FTPS with encrypted client key ends up with SSL_ERROR_TOKEN_INSERTION_REMOVAL- make derEncodingsMatch work with encrypted keys - rename a patch, dropped the experimental moniker from it - Resolves: Bug 895339 - [PEM] active FTPS with encrypted client key ends up with SSL_ERROR_TOKEN_INSERTION_REMOVAL- Resolves: Bug 895339 - [PEM] active FTPS with encrypted client key ends up with SSL_ERROR_TOKEN_INSERTION_REMOVAL- Revoke trust in one mis-issued anssi certificate - Resolves: Bug 1042686 - nss: Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate (MFSA 2013-117) [rhel-6.6]- Disable hw gcm on rhel-5 based build environments where OS lacks support - Rollback changes to build nss without softokn until Bug 689919 is approved - Cipher suite was run as part of the nss-softokn build- Build nss without softoken, freebl, or util sources in the build source tree - Resolves: Bug 1032472 - CVE-2013-5605 CVE-2013-5606 CVE-2013-1741- Update to NSS_3_15_3_RTM - Resolves: Bug 1032472 - CVE-2013-5605 CVE-2013-5606 CVE-2013-1741 - Resolves: Bug 1031238 - deadlock in trust domain lock and object lock- Using export NSS_DISABLE_HW_GCM=1 to deal with some problemmatic build systems - Resolves: rhbz#1016044 - nss.s390: primary link for libnssckbi.so must be /usr/lib64/libnssckbi.so- Add s390x and ia64 to the %define multilib_arches list used for defining alt_ckbi - Resolves: rhbz#1016044 - nss.s390: primary link for libnssckbi.so must be /usr/lib64/libnssckbi.so- Add zero default value to DISABLETEST check and fix the TEST_FAILURES check and reporting - Resolves: rhbz#990631 - file permissions of pkcs11.txt/secmod.db must be kept when modified by NSS - Related: rhbz#1002645 - Rebase RHEL 6 to NSS 3.15.1 (for FF 24.x)- Add a zero default value to the DISABLETEST and TEST_FAILURES checks - Resolves: rhbz#1002645 - Rebase RHEL 6 to NSS 3.15.1 (for FF 24.x)- Fix the test for zero failures in the %check section - Resolves: rhbz#1002645 - Rebase RHEL 6 to NSS 3.15.1 (for FF 24.x)- Restore a mistakenly removed patch - Resolves: rhbz#961659 - SQL backend does not reload certificates- Rebuild for the pem module to link with freel from nss-softokn-3.14.3-6.el6 - Related: rhbz#993441 - NSS needs to conform to new FIPS standard. [rhel-6.5.0] - Related: rhbz#1010224 - NSS 3.15 breaks SSL in OpenLDAP clients- Don't require nss-softokn-fips - Resolves: rhbz#993441 - NSS needs to conform to new FIPS standard. [rhel-6.5.0]- Additional syntax fixes in nss-versus-softoken-test.patch - Resolves: rhbz#1002645 - Rebase RHEL 6 to NSS 3.15.1 (for FF 24.x)- Fix all.sh test for which application was last build by updating nss-versus-softoken-test.path - Resolves: rhbz#1002645 - Rebase RHEL 6 to NSS 3.15.1 (for FF 24.x)- Disable the cipher suite already run as part of the nss-softokn build - Resolves: rhbz#993441 - NSS needs to conform to new FIPS standard. [rhel-6.5.0]- Require nss-softokn-fips - Resolves: rhbz#993441 - NSS needs to conform to new FIPS standard. [rhel-6.5.0]- Require nspr-4.10.0 - Related: rhbz#1002645 - Rebase RHEL 6 to NSS 3.15.1 (for FF 24.x)- Fix relative path in %check section to prevent undetected test failures - Resolves: rhbz#1002645 - Rebase RHEL 6 to NSS 3.15.1 (for FF 24.x)- Rebase to NSS_3.15.1_RTM - Resolves: rhbz#1002645 - Rebase RHEL 6 to NSS 3.15.1 (for FF 24.x) - Update patches on account of the shallow tree with the rebase to 3.15.1 - Update the pem module sources nss-pem-20130405.tar.bz2 with latest patches applied - Remove patches rendered obsolete by the nss rebase and the updated nss-pem sources - Enable the iquote.patch to access newly introduced types- Do not hold issuer certificate handles in the crl cache - Resolves: rhbz#961659 - SQL backend does not reload certificates- Resolves: rhbz#977341 - nss-tools certutil -H does not list all options- Resolves: rhbz#702083 - dont require unique file basenames- Fix race condition in cert code related to smart cards - Resolves: rhbz#903017 - Firefox hang when CAC/PIV smart card certificates are viewed in the certificate manager- Configure libnssckbi.so to use the alternatives system in order to prepare for a drop in replacement. Please ensure that older packages that don't use the alternatives system for libnssckbi.so have a smaller n-v-r.- Syncup with uptream changes for aes gcm and ecc suiteb - Enable ecc support for suite b - Apply several upstream AES GCM fixes - Use the pristine nss upstream sources with ecc included - Export NSS_ENABLE_ECC=1 in both the build and the check sections - Make failed requests for unsupoprted ssl pkcs 11 bypass non fatal - Resolves: rhbz#882408 - NSS_NO_PKCS11_BYPASS must preserve ABI - Related: rhbz#918950 - rebase nss to 3.14.3- Revert to accepting MD5 on digital signatures by default - Resolves: rhbz#918136 - nss 3.14 - MD5 hash algorithm disabled- Ensure pem uses system freebl as with this update freebl brings in new API's - Resolves: rhbz#918950 - [RFE][RHEL6] Rebase to nss-3.14.3 to fix the lucky-13 issue- Install sechash.h and secmodt.h which are now provided by nss-devel - Resolves: rhbz#918950 - [RFE][RHEL6] Rebase to nss-3.14.3 to fix the lucky-13 issue - Remove unsafe -r option from commands that remove headers already shipped by nss-util and nss-softoken- Update to NSS_3.14.3_RTM - Resolves: rhbz#918950 - [RFE][RHEL6] Rebase to nss-3.14.3 to fix the lucky-13 issue - Update expired test certificates (fixed in upstream bug 852781) - Sync up pem module's rsawrapr.c with softoken's upstream changes for nss-3.14.3 - Reactivate the aia tests- Recreate the distrust patch by backporting the upstream one - Resolves: rhpbz#890914 - Dis-trust TURKTRUST mis-issued *.google.com certificate- Resolves: rhpbz#890914 - Dis-trust TURKTRUST mis-issued *.google.com certificate- Remove a patch that caused a regression - Resolves: rhbz#883620- Fix locking issue causing curl hangs and authenticate to the correct session - Resolves: rhbz#872838- PEM peminit returns CKR_CANT_LOCK when needed to inform caller module isn't thread safe - Resolves: rhbz#555019 - [PEM] invalid writes in multi-threaded libcurl based application- Add dummy sources file to test for and prevent breaking rhpkg commands - Enable testing for 'rhpk upload' and 'rhpk new-sources' breakage such as hangs - Related: rhbz#837089- Update the license to MPLv2.0 - turn off the aia tests - Resolves: rhbz#837089- Resolves: rhbz#702083 - NSS pem module should not require unique base file names- turn on the aia tests - update nss-589636.patch to apply to httpdserv- turn off aia tests for now- turn off ocsp tests for now- Rebase to nss- - Resolves: rhbz#837089 - Update ssl-cbc-random-iv patch for new sources - Remove patches rendered obsoleted by rebase to 3.14 - Add a patch to enforce no pkcs11 bypass- Resolves: rhbz#830302 - require nspr 4.9.1- Resolves: rhbz#830302 - revert unwanted changes to nss.pc.in- Resolves: rhbz#830302 - Update RHEL 6.x to NSS 3.13.5 and NSPR 4.9.1 for Mozilla 10.0.6- Resolves: rhbz#827351 invalid read and free on invalid cert load failure- Resolves: #rhbz#805232 PEM module may attempt to free uninitialized pointer- Resolves: rhbz#717913 - [PEM] various flaws detected by Coverity - Require nss-util 3.13.3- Resolves: rhbz#772628 nss_Init leaks memory- Resolves: rhbz#746632 - pem_CreateObject mem leak on non existing file name - Use completed patch per code review- Resolves: rhbz#746632 - pem_CreateObject mem leak on non existing file name - Resolves: rhbz#768669 - PEM unregistered callback causes SIGSEGV- Update to 3.13.3 - Resolves: rhbz#798539 - Distrust MITM subCAs issued by TrustWave - Remove builtins-nssckbi_1_88_rtm.patch which the rebase obsoletes- Resolves: rhbz#746632 - Adjust the patch for new sources- Resolves: rhbz#746632 - pem_CreateObject() leaks memory given a non-existing file name- Resolves: 784674 - Protect NSS_Shutdown from clients that fail to initialize nss- Add two needed patches - Resolves: rhbz#783315 - Need nss workaround for freebl bug that causes openswan to drop connections - Resolves: rhbz#747387 - Unable to contact LDAP Server during winsync- Rebuild- Resolves: Bug 784490 - CVE-2011-3389 - Activate a patch that was left out in previous build- Resolves: Bug 744070 - Update to 3.13.1 - Resolves: Bug 784674 - nss should protect against being called before nss_Init - Resolves: Bug 784490 - CVE-2011-3389 HTTPS: block-wise chosen-plaintext attack against SSL/TLS (BEAST)- Resolves: Bug 761086 - Fix nss-735047.patch to not revert the nss-bz689031.patch- Update builtins certs to those from NSSCKBI_1_88_RTM- Bug 747387 - Unable to contact LDAP Server during winsync- Add to the spec file the patch for Bug 671266- More coverity related fixes in the pem module- Coverity related fixes- Add relro support for executables and shared libraries- Add partial RELRO support- Fix the name of the last patch file- Retagging to pick up two missing commits- Update builtins certs to those from NSSCKBI_1_87_RTM- Update builtins certs to those from NSSCKBI_1_86_RTM- Update builtins certs to those from NSSCKBI_1_85_RTM- Fix CMS to verify signed data when SignerInfo indicates signer by subjectKeyID- Fix pem logging to deal with files originally created by root- Retagging for updated patch missing from previous tag- Update to 3.12.10- Resolves: rhbz# 703658 - Fix crmf hard-coded maximum size for wrapped private keys- Resolves: rhbz#688423 - Enable NSS support for pluggable ECC- Add "Conflicts: curl < 7.19.7-26.el6" to fix Bug 694663- Construct private key nickname based on the full pathname of the pem file- Update expired PayPayEE.cert test certificate - Conditionalize some database tests on user not being root- Update to NSS_3.12.9_WITH_CKBI_1_82_RTM- Fix memory leaks caused by SECKEY_ImportDERPublicKey- Short-term fix for ssl test suites hangs on ipv6 type connections- Add requires for pkcs11-devel on nss-softokn-freebl devel - Run the test suites in check section per packaging guidelines- Prefer user database ca cert trust settings system's ones - Swap internal key slot on fips mode switches- Update to 3.12.9 - Fix libnsspem to test for and reject directories- Add suppport for pkcs8 formatted keys in the pem module - Add verify(not md5 size mtime) to configuration files attributes - Prevent nss-sysinit disabling on package upgrade - Create pkcs11.txt with correct permissions regardless of current umask - Add option to setup-nsssysinit.sh to report nss-sysinit status - Update test certificate which had expired- Update to 3.12.8- Increase release version number, no code changes- Update to 3.12.7- Rebuilt- Appying the changes in previous log - Changing some BuildRequires to >= as well - Temporarily disabling all tests for faster builds- Change some = to >= in Requires to enable a rebase next- Fix SIGSEGV within CreateObject (#596783) - Update expired test certificate- Fix nss.pc to not require nss-softokn- rebuilt using nss-util 3.2.6- rebuilt using nspr-devel 4.8.4- Update to 3.12.6- Update to NSS_3_12_6_RC1- Fix curl related regression and general patch code clean up- Resolves: #551784 rebuilt after nss-softokn and nss-util builds - this will generate the coorect nss.spec- rebuilt for RHEL-6 candidate, Resolves: #551784- Updated to 3.12.5 from CVS import from Fedora 12 - Moved blank legacy databases to the lookaside cache - Reenabled the full test suite - Retagging for a RHEL-6-test-build- Retagged- retagging- Fix SIGSEGV on call of NSS_Initialize (#553638)- bump release number and rebuild- Fix nsssysinit to allow root to modify the nss system database (#547860)- Temporarily disabling the ssl tests until Bug 539183 is resolved- Fix an error introduced when adapting the patch for 546211- Remove some left over trace statements from nsssysinit patching- Fix nsssysinit to set the default flags on the crypto module (#545779) - Fix nsssysinit to enable apps to use the system cert store, patch contributed by David Woodhouse (#546221) - Fix segmentation fault when listing keys or certs in the database, patch contributed by Kamil Dudka (#540387) - Sysinit requires coreutils for post install scriplet (#547067) - Remove redundant header from the pem module- Remove unneeded patch- Update to 3.12.5 - CVE-2009-3555 TLS: MITM attacks via session renegotiation- Require nss-softoken of same arch as nss (#527867)- Fix bug where user was prompted for a password when listing keys on an empty system database (#527048) - Fix setup-nsssysinit to handle more general flags formats (#527051)- Fix syntax error in setup-nsssysinit.sh- Fix sysinit to be under mozilla/security/nss/lib- Add nss-sysinit activation/deactivation script- Install blank databases and configuration file for system shared database - nsssysinit queries system for fips mode before relying on environment variable- Restoring nssutil and -rpath-link to nss-config for now - 522477- Add the nss-sysinit subpackage- Installing shared libraries to %{_libdir}- Retagging to pick up new sources- Update pem enabling source tar with latest fixes (509705, 51209)- PEM module implements memory management for internal objects - 509705 - PEM module doesn't crash when processing malformed key files - 512019- Remove symbolic links to shared libraries from devel - 521155 - No rpath-link in nss-softokn-config- Update to 3.12.4- Fix FORTIFY_SOURCE buffer overflows in test suite on ppc and ppc64 - bug 519766 - Fixed requires and buildrequires as per recommendations in spec file review- Restoring patches 2 and 7 as we still compile all sources - Applying the nss-nolocalsql.patch solves nss-tools sqlite dependency problems- restore require sqlite- Don't require sqlite for nss- Ensure versions in the requires match those used when creating nss.pc- Remove nss-prelink.conf as signed all shared libraries moved to nss-softokn - Add a temprary hack to nss.pc.in to unblock builds- caolan's nss.pc patch- Bump the release number for a chained build of nss-util, nss-softokn and nss- Fix nss-config not to include nssutil - Add BuildRequires on nss-softokn and nss-util since build also runs the test suite- disabling all tests while we investigate a buffer overflow bug- disabling some tests while we investigate a buffer overflow bug - 519766- remove patches that are now in nss-softokn and - remove spurious exec-permissions for nss.pc per rpmlint - single requires line in nss.pc.in- Fix BuildRequires: nss-softokn-devel release number- fix nss.pc.in to have one single requires line- cleanups for softokn- remove the softokn subpackages- don install the nss-util pkgconfig bits- remove from -devel the 3 headers that ship in nss-util-devel- kill off the nss-util nss-util-devel subpackages- split off nss-softokn and nss-util as subpackages with their own rpms - first phase of splitting nss-softokn and nss-util as their own packages- must install libnssutil3.since nss-util is untagged at the moment - preserve time stamps when installing various files- dont install libnssutil3.so since its now in nss-util- Fix spec file problems uncovered by Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- removed two patch files which are no longer needed and fixed previous change log number- updated pem module incorporates various patches - fix off-by-one error when computing size to reduce memory leak. (483855) - fix data type to work on x86_64 systems. (429175) - fix various memory leaks and free internal objects on module unload. (501080) - fix to not clone internal objects in collect_objects(). (501118) - fix to not bypass initialization if module arguments are omitted. (501058) - fix numerous gcc warnings. (500815) - fix to support arbitrarily long password while loading a private key. (500180) - fix memory leak in make_key and memory leaks and return values in pem_mdSession_Login (501191)- add patch for bug 502133 upstream bug 496997- rebuild with higher release number for upgrade sanity- updated to NSS_3_12_4_FIPS1_WITH_CKBI_1_75- re-enable test suite - add patch for upstream bug 488646 and add newer paypal certs in order to make the test suite pass- add conflicts info in order to fix bug 499436- ship .chk files instead of running shlibsign at install time - include .chk file in softokn-freebl subpackage - add patch for upstream nss bug 488350- Update to NSS 3.12.3- temporarily disable the test suite because of bug 494266- fix softokn-freebl dependency for multilib (bug 494122)- introduce separate nss-softokn-freebl package- disable execstack when building freebl- add upstream patch to fix bug 483855- build nspr-less freebl library- Update to NSS_3_12_3_BETA4- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- update to NSS_3_12_2_RC1 - use system zlib- add sparc64 to the list of 64 bit arches- bug 456847, move pkgconfig requirement to devel package- Update to NSS_3_12_1_RC2- NSS 3.12.1 RC1- fix bug bug 429175 in libpem module- bug 456847, add Requires: pkgconfig- nss package should own /etc/prelink.conf.d folder, rhbz#452062 - use upstream patch to fix test suite abort- Update to NSS_3_12_RC4- Update to NSS_3_12_RC2- Zapping old Obsoletes/Provides. No longer needed, causes multilib headache.- Update to NSS_3_12_BETA3- NSS 3.12 Beta 2 - Use /usr/lib{64} as devel libdir, create symbolic links.- Apply upstream patch for bug 417664, enable test suite on pcc.- Support concurrent runs of the test suite on a single build host.- disable test suite on ppc- disable test suite on ppc64- Build against gcc 4.3.0, use workaround for bug 432146 - Run the test suite after the build and abort on failures.* NSS 3.12 Beta 1- move .so files to /lib- NSS 3.12 alpha 2b- upstream patches to avoid calling netstat for random data- NSS 3.12 alpha 2- Add /etc/prelink.conf.d/nss-prelink.conf in order to blacklist our signed libraries and protect them from modification.- Fix off-by-one error in the PEM module- fix a C++ mode compilation error- Add 3.12 ckfw and libnsspem- Updated license tag- Ensure the workaround for mozilla bug 51429 really get's built.- Better approach to ship freebl/softokn based on 3.11.5 - Remove link time dependency on softokn- Fix unowned directories, rhbz#233890- Update to 3.11.7, but freebl/softokn remain at 3.11.5. - Use a workaround to avoid mozilla bug 51429.- Fix rhbz#230545, failure to enable FIPS mode - Fix rhbz#220542, make NSS more tolerant of resets when in the middle of prompting for a user password.- Update to 3.11.5 - This update fixes two security vulnerabilities with SSL 2 - Do not use -rpath link option - Added several unsupported tools to tools package- disable ECC, cleanout dead code- Update to 3.11.4- Revert the attempt to require latest NSPR, as it is not yet available in the build infrastructure.- Update to 3.11.3- Add /etc/pki/nssdb- rebuild- Update to 3.11.2 - Enable executable bit on shared libs, also fixes debug info.- Enable Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)- Update to 3.11.1 - Include upstream patch to limit curves- add --noexecstack when compiling assembler on x86_64- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- rebuild- Update file list for the devel packages- Update to 3.11- Add patch to allow building on ppc* - Update the pkgconfig file to Require nspr- Initial import into Fedora Core, based on a CVS snapshot of the NSS_3_11_RTM tag - Fix up the pkcs11-devel subpackage to contain the proper headers - Build with RPM_OPT_FLAGS - No need to have rpath of /usr/lib in the pc file- Adressed review comments by Wan-Teh Chang, Bob Relyea, Christopher Aillon.- Initial build/bin/sh/bin/sh 3.28.4-1.el6_93.28.4-1.el6_93.28.4-1.el6_9nss-legacynss-rhel6.confignssdbcert8.dbkey3.dbsecmod.dblibnss3.solibnssckbi.solibnsspem.solibsmime3.solibssl3.solibnssckbi.so/etc/pki//etc/pki/nss-legacy//etc/pki/nssdb//usr/lib64//usr/lib64/nss/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textBerkeley DB 1.85 (Hash, version 2, native byte-order)ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, strippeddirectoryempty@R}@+: PPPPPPPPP P P P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P!P"P#P$P%P&P'P(P)P*P+P,RRRRR R R R#R$R%R&R'R(R*R+R,R-R.R/R:P/P0RRRRR R R R R"R#R$R-R.R/R1R:P1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P:P;PP?P@PAPBPCRRR R R R RRRRRRRRRRR R!R#R$R-R.R/R:PDPEPFPGPHPIPJPKPLPMPNPOPPPQPRPSPTPUPVPWPXRRRR R R R RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R!R#R$R%R&R)R,R-R.R/R0R2R:P-P.RRR R R-R.R/R:?7zXZ !PH63Xg]"k%UJCÍv46` 10?0?zR<kT$|Q<fޠ > bɶoh@xPPohU8\oOu^P0CzPt b5Os /_KFEHba$jzTg*lRmvƍ Jϻ>ɋ2Ud&8 O ؀b{?]KOB5PȈo'mǀ&y ! >tGQ9fH"/eW5)@(n$Q[W;'&-UIFdSC/dI$岢:K-X )A_Px tAуP:yMBhU;]$䎪ȎO|6of3C9Kk_S M 4EnUV6l6o6F@ھ0ͳ]κd@eb:2W^uc(>0k;D889P?FwK,QBfxl̒$,¥dުԕ$Ne؍*OM rPVΈ{F- qݳfUuL#Э… -7g/]UH0[D`iKrm~`@IaBavor0QAO3@5$t-jyuo:SDB_q6_YO+mAP#w4*:lp>A3uYv|t޾Gy0Cl+Phw5 4'~S`]_|X]ć]p(cT7̄%|#06fP+E^m`MԎ6kֶ*X@VrlE* c啑18ruնuXƮC"s?Q>:}I$v7sdgV)LDP[3q0Z#U^3/.ObAz ĢD'4jzPN H#wO@%eDQcd\u! 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