cockpit-sosreport-160-1.el7.centos$>\Q}{hOM >7c?c d % S  '-4        @  b    ( ( 8 9:%/G[TH[I\<X\\Y\`\\t]\^^b^d_e_f_l_t_u`@v`wb xbcCcockpit-sosreport1601.el7.centosCockpit user interface for diagnostic reportsThe Cockpit component for creating diagnostic reports with the sosreport tool.Zx86-01.bsys.centos.orgCentOSLGPLv2+CentOS BuildSystem Unspecified gNtA큤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-160-1.el7.centos.src.rpmcockpit-sosreport     cockpit-bridgecockpit-shellrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)sosrpmlib(PayloadIsXz)1221223.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.11.3Z@Zo Z*~Z@YéYaYyYTYTY5GY5GY%uY;@Y;@YY i@Y @YtXsXDXXӸXX@XXXRXOX)@X!@XW$W@W@WWM|WVaV'@V&@V@V@V@VV@VZV VBŬU5@UL@U@U@U@UK@UU@U@Ua@Ux&UlI@UeU_@U\w@US 160-1Martin Pitt 160-1Martin Pitt 157-1Martin Pitt 155-1Martin Pitt 151-1Martin Pitt 148-1Dominik Perpeet 147-1Dominik Perpeet 141-4Dominik Perpeet 141-3Dominik Perpeet 141-2Dominik Perpeet 141-1Dominik Perpeet 138-8Dominik Perpeet 138-7Dominik Perpeet 138-6Dominik Perpeet 138-5Dominik Perpeet 138-4Dominik Perpeet 138-3Dominik Perpeet 138-2Dominik Perpeet 138-1Dominik Perpeet 137-1Dominik Perpeet 136-1Dominik Perpeet 135-4Dominik Perpeet 135-3Dominik Perpeet 131-3Stef Walter 131-2Stef Walter 131-1Dominik Perpeet 126-1Dominik Perpeet 125-1Dominik Perpeet 122-3Dominik Perpeet 122-2Dominik Perpeet 122-1Dominik Perpeet 118-2Dominik Perpeet 118-1Dominik Perpeet - 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0.2-0.2.5e1faadgit- Manual CentOS Debranding- Add check boxes for common NFS mount options - Redesign package list on Software Updates page and show RHEL Errata - Clarify Software Update status if only security updates are available - Add serial console to virtual Machines page and redesign the Consoles tab - Show more error message details for failures on virtual Machines page- Correctly compute "used" space for NFS mounts- Add NFS client support to the Storage page - Add checkboxes for common Storage encryption and mount options- Fix tooltip on "Edit Server" button on Dashboard rhbz#1449887- Update Cluster/Registry Image tags design to current Openshift Web Console - Delete Kubernetes session tokens on logout - Detect unregistered RHEL systems on Software Updates page- Update to 147 release - Add "Software Updates" page for packages - Fix Kubernetes authentication when Kubernetes configured for RBAC - Add configuration of account locking and password expiry to Accounts page - Consistently ignore loopback traffic on all network load graphs - Add ABRT integration to the System page - Resize the terminal dynamically to use all available space- Bump for rebuild on more architectures- Fix dashboard dependency rhbz#1466423- Build on more architectures- Update to 141 release - Allow users to change Docker container environment variables - Allow auth commands to store credentials for future challenges - Attempt to tear down used partitions when formatting disks - Show the correct known_hosts path on missing/mismatching host keys - Set HTML content type when serving login page, for better reverse proxy operation- Rebuild for new dependencies- Build cockpit-docker for s390x- Fix ssh dependency- Fix forwarding binary data in the shell - Fix dashboard dependency- Bump and rebuild on more architectures- Fix issues with connections between multiple hosts - Fix format string type mismatch on some architectures- Bump and rebuild with dashboard- Update to 138 release - Simplify protocol that cockpit talks to session authentication processes- Update to 137 release - Cockpit's web server understands and properly responds to HTTP HEAD requests- Update to 136 release - Reorder menu items in a more logical way- The cockpit package doesn't require the dashboard anymore - The dashboard package conflicts with older bridge and ws versions- Update to 135 release - Redesigned page menu and machine switcher - Show /etc/motd in the "System" page - Allow changing the MAC address for ethernet adapters and see them for bonds - NetworkManager now activates slave interfaces by itself - Show "Locked/Unlocked" indicator for privilege escalation in the top bar - Privilege escalation works with sudo reauthorization - Use official /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts when connecting to remote hosts- Fix size of list heading rhbz#1422184 - Fix button tooltips rhbz#1365372 rhbz#1412036 - Make basic selinux functionality available without rhbz#1422181- Actually build cockpit-dashboard sub-package- Update to 131 release - Support for configuring kdump kernel crash dumping - Support for rebasing OSTrees and configuring OSTree remotes - Cockpit now respects /etc/shells and prevents login when user has an invalid shell - Add a 'LoginTo' option in cockpit.conf to toggle ability to login to other servers - Validate textual input on the Networking page properly- Update to 126 release - Show security scan information about containers - During login users can choose whether password is cached and reused - Allow renaming of active devices in networking interface - More clearly indicate when checking network connectivity - Allow more time for rollback when making network changes rhbz#1395108 - The remotectl command can now combine certificate and key files - Domain join operations can now be properly cancelled - Make Kerberos authentication work even if gss-proxy is in use - When proxied, support X-Forwarded-Proto - Ignore block devices with a zero size in the storage interface- Update to 125 release - Display OSTree signatures on Atomic Host - Expand logical volumes and partitions inline on their devices - No longer offer to format read-only block devices - Use stored passphrases for LUKS devices properly - System shutdown can be scheduled by date - Properly terminate user sessions on the Accounts page - Fix regression on login screen in older Internet Explorer browsers- Fix regression when activating virtual network interfaces rhbz#1394667 - Support network connections that don't have an interface name rhbz#1394668 - Fix registry console Windows IE and Edge login rhbz#1378810 rhbz#1393740 - Fix reloading of projects and users in kubernetes rhbz#1393785 - Only set websocket protocols if they are available rhbz#1394675- Fix default flags for new VLAN devices rhbz#1390605- Update to 122 release - Cockpit can rollback network configuration that would otherwise disconnect an admin from the system - Unmanaged network devices are now shown - The list of Docker containers can be filtered and expanded inline - Cockpit can be a "bastion host" by using the login page to connect to an alternate system via SSH - Only connect to an alternate system if it has a known SSH host key - When connecting to other systems, each SSH connection is run in a separate process - Fixes bugs that prevent the "Logs" page from working in Firefox 49 - A network proxy can be used when registering with RHEL subscriptions rhbz#1338681- Turn off Cockpit debug session- Update to 118 release - SELinux audit failures can be diagnosed and solutions applied to the system - Configure storage for Docker containers and images - Volumes and environment variables can be configured for Docker containers - Support PAM conversations on the Login screen, enabling two factor authentication - Cockpit URLs can be proxied with a configured HTTP path prefix - Timer jobs in systemd can be created and configured - Display all managed NetworkManager devices - Add support for network teams - Prevent removal of last volume from volume group rhbz#1354421- The API of cockpit-bridge and cockpit-shell is now stable, other components only depend on a version >= 0.114 now, not an exact match to their own version- Update to 0.114 release - Red Hat Subscriptions can now specify activation keys and orgs rhbz#1338680 - Network configuration of the Ethernet MTU rhbz#1339552 - SSH Host keys are show on system page rhbz#1318414 - Properly show SSH keys on authentication page rhbz#1336686 - Use 'active-backup' as the default for new network bonds rhbz#1348066 - Don't show network interfaces where NM_CONTROLLED=no is set rhbz#1330552 - Disable tuned correctly when clearing a performance profile rhbz#1330473 - Use CockpitLang cookie and Accept-Language for localization - Cockpit terminal now supports shells like fish - Disable the network on/off switch for unknown or unmanaged interfaces rhbz#1329954 rhbz#1329956 - Show intelligent password score error messages rhbz#1330838 - Show full string for system hardware info and operating system name rhbz#1331243 - Ensure popup-info when creating an account remains on screen rhbz#1340749 - Remove erroneous docker dependency rhbz#1349375- Update to 0.108 release - Strict browser security policy for Cockpit is now enforced. This defines which code can be run in a Cockpit session and mitigates a number of browser based attacks.- Update to 0.103 release - When Cockpit fails to connect to a host, relevant SSH command or host details are displayed to help resolve the issue - Docker restart policy can be configured when starting a new container - Display a single combined dialog for creating logical volumes - Don't offer a 'Computer OU' option when joining IPA domains - Display binary journal data correctly - Display IEC names (eg: MiB) for disk or file system sizes - Refuse to shrink logical volumes and prevent negative sizes in file system partition dialogs - Apply strict Content-Security-Policy on most of Cockpit to prevent a number of browser based attacks - Numerous other bug fixes and admin interface improvements- Fix selenium tests - Fix issue with dwz / go binaries in packages- Update to 0.96 release - Fix memory leaks, mostly related to DBus code - Compatible with docker 1.10 - Limit concurrent authentication similar to sshd using 'MaxStartups' setting - Fixed up server disconnection UI - Navigation fixes- Fix session path rhbz#1306145- Fix startup /dev/urandom read issue rhbz#1303582- Add tuned support - Exit on idle in cockpit-ws- Add OAuth login support - Make SOS report work on Atomic- Depend on correct rpm-ostree RPM on RHEL- Update to 0.91 release - Fix Cockpit session issues with a second machine rhbz#1277938 - Split out docker rhbz#1297797 - Distribute licenses of included components in the source rpm - Reworked TLS certificates for Cockpit - Remove custom SELinux policy - SOS report UI page - User interface for OSTree upgrades and rollbacks - Offer to activate multipathd for multipath disks- Update cockpit.pam to include pam_reauthorize and pam_ssh_add rhbz#1269623- Fix extreme CPU usage bug rhbz#1266503 - Fix regressions in 0.77 rhbz#1266566- Work better with multipath storage - Deletion of kubernetes objects - Cleaner URLs in the bookmark bar - Show a warning when adding too many machines - Make authentication work when embedding Cockpit - Complete componentizing Cockpit- kubernetes-client is not available on kubernetes yet- Update to 0.70 release - Depend on kubernetes-client instead of kubernetes- Update to 0.69 release.- Update to 0.68 release.- Update to 0.66 release- Require libssh 0.7.1 on fedora >= 22 systems- Update to 0.65 release- Update to 0.64 release- Update to 0.63 release - Remove cockpit-docker for armv7hl while docker packages are being fixed- Update to 0.62 release- Rebuilt for Update to 0.61 release- Update to 0.60 release- Update to 0.59 release- Update to 0.58 release- Update to 0.57 release- Update to 0.56 release- Update to 0.55 release- Update to 0.54 release- Update to 0.53 release- Update to 0.52 release- Update to 0.51 release- Update to 0.50 release- Fix incorrect Obsoletes: of cockpit-daemon- Update to 0.49 release. - cockpitd was renamed to cockpit-wrapper the cockpit-daemon package was removed and is now installed with the cockpit-bridge package.- Update to 0.48 release- Don't attempt to build cockpit-kubernetes on armv7hl- Update to 0.47 release, build docker on armvrhl- Update to 0.46 release- Update to 0.45 release- Add back debuginfo files to the right place- Disable separate debuginfo for now: build failure- Update to 0.44 release- Don't break EPEL or CentOS builds due to missing branding- Update to 0.43 release- Fix obseleting cockpit-assets- Update to 0.42 release- Update to 0.41 release- Update to 0.40 release- Update to 0.39 release- Update to 0.38 release- Update to 0.37 release- Update to 0.36 release- Update to 0.35 release- Update to 0.34 release- Only depend on docker stuff on x86_64- Only build docker stuff on x86_64- Update to 0.33 release- Update to 0.32 release- Update to 0.31 release- Update to 0.30 release - Split Cockpit into various sub packages- Don't require test-assets from selinux-policy - Other minor tweaks and fixes- Include selinux policy as a dep where required- Update to 0.29 release- Update to 0.28 release - cockpit-agent was renamed to cockpit-bridge- Update to 0.27 release - Don't create cockpit-*-admin groups rhbz#1145135 - Fix user management for non-root users rhbz#1140562 - Fix 'out of memory' error during ssh auth rhbz#1142282- Update to 0.26 release - Can see disk usage on storage page rhbz#1142459 - Better order for lists of block devices rhbz#1142443 - Setting container memory limit fixed rhbz#1142362 - Can create storage volume of maximum capacity rhbz#1142259 - Fix RAID device Bitmap enable/disable error rhbz#1142248 - Docker page connects to right machine rhbz#1142229 - Clear the format dialog label correctly rhbz#1142228 - No 'Drop Privileges' item in menu for root rhbz#1142197 - Don't flash 'Server has closed Connection on logout rhbz#1142175 - Non-root users can manipulate user accounts rhbz#1142154 - Fix strange error message when editing user accounts rhbz#1142154- Update to 0.25 release- Update to 0.24 release- Update to 0.23 release- Update to 0.22 release- Update to 0.21 release- Rebuilt for Update to 0.20 release- Update to 0.19 release- Update to 0.18 release - Add glib-networking build requirement - Let selinux-policy-targetted distribute selinux policy- Drop Requires and references to dead test-assets subpackage- Update to 0.17 release- Distribute our own selinux policy rhbz#1110758- Refer to cockpit.socket in scriptlets rhbz#1110764- Update to 0.16 release- Update to 0.15 release - Put in the cockpit PAM stack- Update to 0.14 release- Update to 0.13 release- Update to upstream 0.12 release- Update to upstream 0.11 release- Update to upstream 0.10 release- Rebuilt for Update to upstream 0.9 release - Fix file attribute for cockpit-polkit- Update to upstream 0.8 release - cockpitd now runs as a user session DBus service- Update to upstream 0.7 release- Update to upstream 0.6 release- Update to upstream 0.5 release- Update to upstream 0.4 release - Lots of packaging cleanup and polish- Update to upstream 0.3 release- Redid the release tag- Fixed license tag - Updated to new FSF address upstream - Removing libgsystem before build - Now claiming specific manpages - Made the config files noreplace - Removed the test assets - Put the web assets in a subpackage- Patch libgsystem out -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryHTML document, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, from Unix)ASCII textUTF-8 Unicode text (gzip compressed data, from Unix)ASCII text (gzip compressed data, from Unix)ASCII text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, from Unix)PNG image data, 150 x 150, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 64 x 64, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced?7zXZ !#,uc]"k%.hG |J7:dQ 4Sk!%hG[,;uATC ;K5v#ZرVL꽮9g79DErXǝSλAv: -\уӄ'`rp76 7GEkeH`7i\tݗ> F\_8=Fг3{ŽWۤ5XP5Ӻ}^Tï1})r Oa3x\^o{GW_-[tb'HIKE7?ԏ6- q/9L3ޝS–\r&yϷz@=l}ٵTBa{4g %fzxn\x)Q!J^uղ1Xj׷:OeZgg:o۸ =TO}f@Qj8%3|(':0x&7g#,|ԛ׽a(|#nN4aEjQN#9]yfIKN Zx3[$5خiKuu=WsQe&4dPo_ M~I)b*%4f`4=8œ=cH߹tV#"cV 4   .ѩ{-]3YZ<ȶzpF|aT,MM3 d(0mƤ8Tp䶎c$J/Pq2"Q>O唾dC%6Ct*z3ORZNeQt*ΘKjdTG`B|َ!dQ).ʟL +T!_UǁTXPr+}: *&/ !;TCG$Q޸4-wJ\* ?_a(Wxi51;znXˡf{V\M+> ço)Y~n萶C890lξ<`B"v=3RͲA, )W`h0%er!Zqb={L뽚椐-)PrOL!uغ+8-OlU@Ƕ4PF{'D%=0}c'~QH̚[B 1OGjTVnnK ;8*#V㙎Y֘2ξ=P,VFVD)p%zM7J8\7;5k3ǍXT͵~ 4'gLN3Hk0Dj ||Q4Z+[/rn'h9/ypK#<>˖r8,\vNv RdHn ֫;QqV!j^ع6M/ }M뤈eef8w )[f.R?הdt-^^﬈6),[?53X~`VcHlGRKQC Xjɇ 7fB⭉šD+/xӷLLYI&wB<}]xXӣx3*jK &u|x(!_\NsrMERWYgU78 { \yLL ט>pG^6(\*Pa%(`8daV>;jtz:m𩙄휪7{aNk!X֨V^1uهܖ}q'_j+ w4\339 ўIӏEQceE?ZqڑF/%Kwd:cg>ʚ" 3qc(ji> Zv>s,DV*5`ܟ-^B"?΃tGN| o"#8GoAVuӯHtbPT B;nlP.)v]x8$%q.)!EE X ,XkZtLU 9ydY +Iwt=C1|qϱZ'7xbt@H0{?'bD| ;c j1m P %N(c /\.V$׌ˇ#ՋwE™= 7^g515f#Ryyԗ7tƂYiM\o pvέã%ۺUCgB}^#%.l.@_7!3~͉.Vf^@C,n'#[^_aI d,ўٶJ65T ^#R"J:qrV? _Yj* m%ѻw/9)kWvքۙSZ(}}(Ң%u41>YGjM^ `eRd 94bP4&6n&kuܚ> ru%y1ђ<,>t-v jo"Tބt|Q}¥OK7u-<]zq\&ꚾw2$F>p;fPu0.vX* k[E7;jD{GXmJ+[c'd j\G86,D:"Hzb>I&pKbҽGuעNrd+͍ Zy@#^_ p*k0Zgă:^?݅un _h"!sF3|~P]DY9?QR6ͨMM{>푴hP6I. 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