libev-4.15-7.el7$>*'%@t}>:?d   Q#1 ]i     :Xt(8!9p!: !>@GHIXY\]4^pbd>eCfFlHt`uxvwHx`yx Clibev4.157.el7High-performance event loop/event model with lots of featuresLibev is modeled (very loosely) after libevent and the Event Perl module, but is faster, scales better and is more correct, and also more featureful. And also smaller.Yic1bm.rdu2.centos.orgYCentOSBSD or GPLv2+CentOS BuildSystem Unspecified A큤YhYhYhQ0tP8P8a3026   @ /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/,fR,fQQPe@PONA!@MMM;M*K?5@J Ji@J`gJ`gJHII3I2Id@IR$@I%Q@IHH*H{@H@Josh Boyer - 4.15-7Lokesh Mandvekar - 4.15-6Lokesh Mandvekar - 4.15-5Lokesh Mandvekar - 4.15-4Mathieu Bridon - 4.15-3Igor Gnatenko - 4.15-2Igor Gnatenko - 4.15-1Fedora Release Engineering - 4.11-3Mathieu Bridon - 4.11-2Mathieu Bridon - 4.11-1Fedora Release Engineering - 4.04-3Fedora Release Engineering - 4.04-2Tom Callaway - 4.04-1Matěj Cepl - 4.03-2Michal Nowak - 4.03-1Michal Nowak - 4.01-1Michal Nowak - 3.90-1Michal Nowak - 3.80-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.70-3Michal Nowak - 3.70-2Michal Nowak - 3.70-1Michal Nowak - 3.60-1Michal Nowak - 3.6-1Michal Nowak - 3.53-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.52-2Michal Nowak - 3.52-1Michal Nowak - 3.51-1Michal Nowak - 3.49-1Michal Nowak - 3.48-1kwizart - 3.44-1kwizart - 3.43-4Michal Nowak - 3.43-2Michal Nowak - 3.43-1- Bump and build for all architectures- update compiler flag to get rid of strict-aliasing warning- Resolves: rhbz#1254667 - increment release tag to ship devel- Rebuilt for RHEL-7- Get the package closer to what upstream intended: - Do not move the headers into a subfolder of /usr/include - Make a libev-libevent-devel subpackage to contain the libevent compatibility header, so that only this subpackage conflicts with libevent-devel, not all of libev-devel - Drop the pkgconfig file, as upstream rejected it several times already.- Bump (koji was broken)- Update to 4.15 (rhbz 987489) - Fix dates in spec- Rebuilt for Make a patch out of Michal's pkgconfig support. - Modernize the file for Automake >= 1.13. - Respect the Fedora CFLAGS Update to 4.11- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for move man page - cleanup spec - update to 4.04- EL5 cannot have noarch subpackages.- 4.03; RHBZ#674022 - add a -source subpackage (Mathieu Bridon); RHBZ#672153- 4.01 - fix grammar in %description- 3.9- 3.8 - always use the most recent automake - BuildRequires now libtool- Rebuilt for spec file change, which prevented uploading most recent tarball so the RPM was "3.70" but tarball was from 3.60- v3.7 - list libev soname explicitly- previous version was called "3.6" but this is broken update path wrt version "3.53" -- thus bumping to "3.60"- 3.60 - fixed few mixed-use-of-spaces-and-tabs warnings in spec file- 3.53- Rebuilt for 3.52- 3.51- version bump: 3.49- version bump: 3.48- bump to 3.44- Fix pkgconfig support- removed libev.a - installing with "-p" - event.h is removed intentionaly, because is there only for backward compatibility with libevent- initial package/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4b71317c91f3681be56e96e84e5cef4cba44b926, strippeddirectoryUTF-8 Unicode textASCII text PR R RRRR RRRR RR?`7zXZ !PH6]"k%LНd+-d,锢!8AAru<ɵx3Tinu C.Zw߲kwl=3S]`./e#)\;Io2dɬ"9f t{BʎԈ{F֕էAD3~h.h*o6Z6pG ]RZ*jïyvKTR"l: ({?7u'Ղ՘Y_f ѥT5%R_?, J:&:=xP=F=Ǹ~H$M~Urot"4dmF M\$ie#hZ%/w?se p)[Q˖/57J,s~~'}H:BMV5!c'dɐL.kqlu ,@ո1p:E稚.͊/K>! A] .H-z6K\:w[`ds+3,(VwF4 8W|lg?}`$@=yh*-,1ZRy@I$:5͊@x`Ҭhs\ 8N٬MH;)s~H%4RC X^dӣ²wU~e2O׍@;Rxyw9  C!P Y?|t-"phס3UڹQ9ݩ=0'|P"3uw'B+H Bo1n ڶLz_ٞ uqI ya6^߹4lcY|gêb !.-_ۧmF^ߦ1E r=cѹl/~n LH.'ZKï2.FūTxwÈbL /}no ]--"__%rDnWڞ 3fu$:e㗇i#D7tq_<[PK"(M42g&y9]cMuK( 8Sca ~ӻϹ^x#KmM|T_]34WF.z'g#"UBRK=uO /#i(a<=1.eGV,y4oXWy׀+?ekf&B f% zZ\XKMsEEڂ)(0_ LFjhTYiI[NtHo3Dn ]Le[=ĸUw}Y],kcT*}\rZ裄X:vP@]*^`GG%-qN,U@_g/AD:d{%NT`uxˆyAUÜBwK[t|s=dg 7ymz~0$5BUm*yA'Eemҽcw-ЕҨH Y KҋDl%2"Ȱwj3v%c.bk|^ޑ~-!3AȪXBo ]Zsai ~SXfF#ӻegPlGbNYDn@sM3{"R_3̑ȫPsDIj[c\ŤHgԪHs)Lh9R 3ٍ!]0F0x?VunJ $JP_bDpy|kt:+|߇soWvڲ;5P v?8MSM(zZ[w}Et~e#c ژ+CM?֖ |L*'>kA1Qs XgZtnl;u]^Nyj SϷG>|9z6Y.i8WeĖ?AEGPHjzuǮ%L[u!Co#\ 2b׹?zۂUԄJY[GPktt~F9bp7\m>.,@O]nŤShS/Mm޺ 5߉z&1L]YB>΢i l쬟|j8Ma̠jU!EFoU fgX>L^u-4]ngWٷ\]f^NB52:exe^L5ic3.;,#a|mqf [Fq ݁~+ MXd|k)Gf(V}16ϐ:Ssy TΉ1ƻ]G~-4VQb꫻M{鸄 kduuq59FtC$w '&_IglLg"Sm%lm3wO+h/ƑY6R͞r>ڂu26 |SpIܫ:8Tg-6`ZU4=[jN wثrE.v82I;WO-7Kvdl{xwJ.t='y9Q`bleuHE I\-w۝ .A|cl -cͰFro 5q. PQԉC!BxK8"}4RNrfcY"+円*<Oۡ5ǁdP럞 ePwJD7qZY-o+u,J0OBy1HUpLAH=;G8?pGIT_|fz"i6Ue3+^J8r>HJ,sk  YZ