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You should install bind-utils if you need to get information from DNS name CentOSISCCentOS BuildSystem Applications/System` m큤Y YYYYYYYY 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-9.9.4-51.el7.src.rpmbind-utilsbind-utils(x86-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @"XX@XۡXP@X~@X@XX+X@XXs{@X2@W@W3W4VbV3V޾VVn@UUUnUU@U3@UlI@U_@U]U\w@UT@TPT5T@S@SRURx@R&RʚRkR@R@M-M%M$]@M$]@M$]@ME@L@LL@LL@L@L*@LLwLa?@LXLD>@LD>@L;L7@L(L@LKuK$@KKK[Kg@KrK!@K@K@K{@Ky7@Ka|@K`*K`*K'z@K@KmJJ@J@JjJ@JJJ J@Jx"Jp9Ji@Jd\@J[!JB@J8J+@IA@IIд@IyIIV@IIIm@II@I{Iw@IeIa@IJ;@IG@I>]I6tI3I-:@I-:@I*@IsI"@II I HO@H+H@H@H@H@Hz@H{?HsVHhHcH_@HXHCH>H:@H5`@H4H*@H)H H@HH$H Gu@GhG­G\@G@GG8G@GGsGjY@GiGiG_@G]*@GW@GW@GVGSGJ@GDGAzG<4G<4G8@@G%@G!G @G@GJGFFF`FFޚ@Fޚ@F@FvFvF%@FF@FGF @F$@FF;@FF@F@FFF@F@F]FFw@Fo@FnFcFU~@FR@F?F8}@F1F$F#e@FF|@E@E@EWEK@Eb@Eɿ@E@E@EEEE@E@E@E{EvEE@E/E+@E$E @E D@DfDD@DZ@Dq@Dq@DĶ@DĶ@DDDD@D@D@DDu@DDD2_D1@D+@D*vD!<@D@D@D uD $@C@CCC:@CˊCCC@CqC7@CCYCw*Cp@CV5@CECC@C94@C7CJ@C @C@B@BӰBQBB@B9B^[@B1@B.@B,B@B$Y@B{B5AA@A@As@ARAN@AN@AA@A>@A=A3A-A,@A+-A+-A$@Ag@ArA@AC@@@@@p@p@6@@@Ū@@d@@d@@b@b@`&@U@Dw@@@@9@@2@@,@?h?@?? ?@???B@?@??Y@?|@?x?q@?hL?'@?'@?2??>>>@>.>.>>>>9@>9@>D>~@>q@>pr>m>h>d@>1*>.>@>@>o>L@=@=Q =F=;= =@< - 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32:9.9.1-4.P1Ville Skyttä - 32:9.9.1-3.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.1-2.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.1-1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-6Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-5Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-4Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-3Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.8.rc2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.7.rc2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.6.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.5.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.4.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.3.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.2.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-4Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-3Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-2Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-0.3.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-0.2.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-0.1.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-9.P4Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-8.P4Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-7.P4Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-6.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-5.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-4.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-3.P1Dan Horák - 32:9.8.0-2Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-0.4.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-0.3.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-0.2.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-0.1.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 32:9.7.3-0.6.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.3-0.5.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.3-0.4.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.3-0.3.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.3-0.2.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.3-0.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-10.P3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-9.P3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-8.P3Jan Görig 32:9.7.2-7.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-6.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-5.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-4.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-3.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-2.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-0.3.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-0.2.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-0.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-5.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-4.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-3.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-2.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-0.2.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-0.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-11.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-10.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-9.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-8.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-7.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-6.P1Jan Görig 32:9.7.0-5Jan Görig 32:9.7.0-4Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.14.rc2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.13.rc2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.12.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.11.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.10.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.9.b3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.8.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.7.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.6.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.5.a3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.4.a3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.3.a3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.2.a2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.1.a2Adam Tkac 32:9.6.1-9.P1Tomas Mraz - 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20:9.2.4-2Jason Vas Dias - 20:9.2.4-1Jason Vas Dias - 10:9.2.4rc8-14Jason Vas Dias - 10:9.2.4rc8-14Jason Vas Dias - 10:9.2.4rc7-12_EL3Jason Vas Dias - 10:9.2.4rc7-11_EL3Jason Vas Dias - 10:9.2.4rc7-10_EL3Jason Vas Dias - 10:9.2.4rc7-10Jason Vas Dias Jason Vas Dias Jason Vas Dias Jason Vas Dias Jason Vas Dias Jason Vas Dias Jason Vas Dias Jason Vas Dias Jason Vas Dias Jason Vas Dias Jason Vas Dias Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-19Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-18Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-17Elliot Lee Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-15Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-14Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-13Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-12Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-11Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-10Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-9Elliot Lee Florian La Roche Tim Waugh Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-7Elliot Lee Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-5Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-4Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-3Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-2Daniel Walsh 9.2.3-1Daniel Walsh 9.2.2.P3-10Daniel Walsh 9.2.2.P3-9Florian La Roche Daniel Walsh 9.2.2.P3-6Daniel Walsh 9.2.2.P3-5Daniel Walsh 9.2.2.P3-4Daniel Walsh 9.2.2.P3-3Daniel Walsh 9.2.2.P3-2Daniel Walsh 9.2.2.P3-1Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-23Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-22Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-21Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-20Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-19Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-18Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-17Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-16Elliot Lee Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-14Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-13Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-12Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-11Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-10Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-9Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-8Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-7Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-6Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-5Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-4Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-3Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-2Daniel Walsh 9.2.2-1Daniel Walsh 9.2.1-16Tim Powers Daniel Walsh 9.2.1-14Nalin Dahyabhai 9.2.1-13Daniel Walsh 9.2.1-12Daniel Walsh 9.2.1-10Daniel Walsh 9.2.1-9Karsten Hopp Karsten Hopp 9.2.1-8Karsten Hopp 9.2.1-7Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.1-5Tim Powers Tim Powers Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.1-2Florian La Roche Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.0-8Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.0-7Elliot Lee 9.2.0-6Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.0-4Tim Powers Tim Powers Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.0-1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.0-0.rc10.2Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.0-0.rc8.2Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.0-0.rc8.1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.0-0.rc7.1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.0-0.rc5.1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.0-0.rc4.1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.2.0-0.rc3.1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.3-4Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.3-3Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.3-2Florian La Roche Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.3-0.rc3.1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.3-0.rc2.2Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.3-0.rc2.1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.3-0.rc1.3Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.3-0.rc1.2Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.3-0.rc1.1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.2-1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.2-0.rc1.1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.1-1Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.0-10Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 9.1.0-9Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Nalin Dahyabhai Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Trond Eivind Glomsrod Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Karsten Hopp Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Prospector Florian La Roche Florian La Roche Trond Eivind Glomsrod Nalin Dahyabhai Bernhard Rosenkranzer Bill Nottingham Nalin Dahyabhai Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Nalin Dahyabhai Nalin Dahyabhai Bernhard Rosenkranzer Bernhard Rosenkranzer Bill Nottingham Elliot Lee Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Cristian Gafton Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bernhard Rosenkraenzer Bill Nottingham Cristian Gafton Preston Brown Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Jeff Johnson Bill Nottingham Jeff Johnson Bill Nottingham Jeff Johnson Stepan Kasal Bill Nottingham Cristian Gafton Cristian Gafton Preston Brown Cristian Gafton Cristian Gafton Jeff Johnson Jeff Johnson Jeff Johnson Jeff Johnson Jeff Johnson Manuel J. Galan Scott Lampert - Fix CVE-2017-3142 and CVE-2017-3143- Update root servers and trust anchor (#1452635)- Address deadlock between view.c and adb.c (#1416304)- Fix CVE-2017-3136 (ISC change 4575) - Fix CVE-2017-3137 (ISC change 4578)- Simplify change of used config file, point to KB article (#1271315)- Make comment how to use different config file (#1271315)- Install again dns/dlz.h skipped in rebase - Fixed coverity warnings on reenabled test dlzexternal- Backported new upstream dyndb interface, removed dynamic_db (#1393886)- Do not warn on WKS patch (#1392362)- Support WKS records in chroot- Fix CVE-2017-3135 (ISC change 4557) - Fix and test caching CNAME before DNAME (ISC change 4558)- Fix possible infinite loop in start_lookup (CVE-2016-2775) - Do not change lib permissions in chroot (#1392531)- Fix CVE-2016-9131 (ISC change 4508) - Fix CVE-2016-9147 (ISC change 4510) - Fix regression introduced by CVE-2016-8864 (ISC change 4530) - Fix CVE-2016-9444 (ISC change 4517)- Fix CVE-2016-8864- Fix CVE-2016-2776- Added automatic interface scan functionality (#1294506) - Removed NetworkManager dispatcher script since it is not needed any more (#1294506)- Added GeoIP support (#1220594)- Added support for CAA records (#1306610) - Use HTTPS URL instead of FTP for upstream sources (#1319280)- Fix excessive queries caused by DS chasing with stub zones when DNSSEC is not used (#1291185) - Fix error in internal test suite (#1259514) - Fix named-checkconf call in *-chroot.service files (#1278082) - Fix incorrect path in BIND sample configuration and added comment to default configuration (#1247502)- Fix CVE-2016-1285 and CVE-2016-1286- Fix CVE-2015-8704- Fix CVE-2015-8000- Fix CVE-2015-5722- Increase ISC_SOCKET_MAXEVENTS to 2048 (#1235609)- Fix CVE-2015-5477- Fix CVE-2015-4620- Fixed nsupdate realm auto-detection (#1214827)- Reintroduce the DISABLE_ZONE_CHECKING into /etc/sysconfig/named (#1236475)- Don't copy /etc/localtime on -chroot package installation (#1186773) - Fix SPF resource records check to comply with RFC7208 (#1215164) - Don't use ISC's DLV by default (#1223336)- Add version specific requires on bind for bind-pkcs11 (Related: #1097753) - Resolve issues found by static analysis (Related: #1097753)- Added native PKCS#11 functionality (#1097753)- DNS resolution failure in high load environment with SERVFAIL and "out of memory/success" in the log (#1221180)- Install config for tmpfiles under %{_tmpfilesdir} (#1180976) - Fixed systemctl path in logrotate configuration (#1164264) - remove information about system-config-bind from named.8 man page (#1152066)- Fix CVE-2015-1349- Fix CVE-2014-8500 (#1171976)- Fix error in dyndb API that can cause named to freeze on shutdown (#1142150) - Fix error in triggerun scriptlet (#1143033) - Remove /var/named/chroot/var/run on bind-chroot update if it is a directory (#1091341)- Add versioned requires on bind-libs to bind-utils and bind-sdb- Use /dev/urandom when generating rndc.key file (#1107568) - Allow authentication using TSIG in allow-notify configuration statement (#1067424) - Fix race condition when destroying a resolver fetch object (#1072379) - Increase defaults for lwresd workers and make workers and client objects number configurable (#1098959) - Configure BIND with --with-dlopen=yes to support dynamically loadable DLZ drivers (#1096688)- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- Rebuild for mariadb-libs Related: #1045013- Fix CVE-2014-0591- Build against libdb instead of libdb4 (#1044990)- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- Fix crash in rbtdb after two sucessive getoriginnode() calls (#1044026)- Split chroot package for named and named-sdb - Extract setting-up/destroying of chroot to a separate systemd service (#1004300)- Create symlink /var/named/chroot/var/run -> /var/named/chroot/run (#1024384) - Added session-keyfile statement into default named.conf since we use /run/named (#1024384)- Fixed memory leak in nsupdate if 'realm' was used multiple times (#1034824)- Install configuration for rwtab and fix chroot setup script (#1028189) - use --enable-filter-aaaa when building bind to enable filter-aaaa-on-v4 option (#1025245)- Correct the patch for #1020683- Fix race condition on send buffers in dighost.c (#1020683)- install isc/errno2result.h header (#1015165)- update to 9.9.4 (#1010200) - drop merged patches - modify patches to fit on new version- Fix [ISC-Bugs #34738] dns_journal_open() returns a pointer to stack- Don't generate rndc.key if there exists rndc.conf- don't install named-sdb.service if SDB macro is defined to zero- update to 9.9.3-P2 (fix for CVE-2013-4854) - update RRL patch to 9.9.3-P2-rl.13207.22 - Fix script for setting up chroot so it unmounts everything successfully- Fix dates in Changelog- update to 9.9.3-P1 (fix for CVE-2013-3919) - update RRL patch to 9.9.3-P1-rl.156.01- bump release to prevent update path issues- update to 9.9.3 - install dns/update.h header - update RRL patch to the latest version 9.9.3-rl.150.20- Fix segfault in host/nslookup (#878139)- update to 9.9.3rc2 - part of bind97-exportlib.patch not needed any more - bind-9.9.1-P2-multlib-conflict.patch modified to reflect latest source - rl-9.9.3rc1.patch -> rl-9.9.3rc2.patch - bind99-opts.patch merged- Include recursion Warning in named.conf and named.conf.sample (#740894) - Include managed-keys-directory statement in named.conf.sample (#948026)- Fix zone2sqlite to quote table names when creating/dropping/inserting (#919417)- fix crash in nsupdate when processing "-r" parameter (#949544)- ship dns/rrl.h in -devel subpkg- update to 9.9.3rc1 - bind-96-libtool2.patch has been merged - fix bind tmpfiles.d for /run migration (#920713)- New upstream patch version fixing CVE-2013-2266 (#928032)- move pidfile to /run/named/ Fix to include header added by rate limiting patch (#918330)- drop some developer-only documentation and move ARM to %docdir- include rate limiting patch- Corrected IP addresses in (#901741) - mount/umount /var/named in as the last one (#904666)- generate /etc/rndc.key during named service startup if doesn't exist - increase startup timeout in systemd units to 90sec (default) - fix IDN related statement in dig.1 manpage- update to bind-9.9.2-P1- document dig exit codes in manpage - ignore empty "search" options in resolv.conf- drop PKCS11 support on rhel- install isc/stat.h- update to 9.9.2 - bind97-rh714049.patch has been dropped - patches merged - bind98-rh816164.patch- update to bind-9.9.1-P3- fixed SPEC file so it comply with new systemd-rpm macros guidelines (#850045) - changed %define macros to %global and fixed several rpmlint warnings- Changed PrivateTmp to "false" in *-chroot.service unit files (#825869)- Fixed bind-devel multilib conflict (#478718)- Fixed bad path to systemctl in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/13-named (#844047) - Fixed path to in update to 9.9.1-P2- Rebuilt for Avoid shell invocation and dep for -libs-lite %postun.- update to 9.9.1-P1 (CVE-2012-1667)- update to 9.9.1 - bind99-coverity.patch merged - bind-9.5-overflow.patch merged- nslookup: return non-zero exit code when fail to get answer (#816164)- initscript: don't umount /var/named when didn't mount it- apply all non-SDB patches before SDB ones (#804475) - enable Berkeley DB DLZ backend (#804478)- bind97-rh699951.patch is no longer needed (different fix is in 9.9.0)- remove unneeded bind99-v6only.patch- update to 9.9.0 - load dynamic DBs later (and update dyndb patch) - fix memory leak in named during processing of rndc command - don't call `rndc-confgen -a` in "post" section - fix some packaging bugs in bind-chroot- build with "--enable-fixed-rrset"- update to 9.9.0rc2 - doc/rfc and doc/draft are no longer shipped in tarball- retire initscript in favour of systemd unit files (#719419)- update to 9.9.0rc1- ship dns/forward.h in -devel subpkg- update to 9.9.0b2 (CVE-2011-4313) - patches merged - bind97-rh700097.patch - bind99-cinfo.patch- ship dns/clientinfo.h in bind-devel- update to 9.9.0b1 - bind98-dlz_buildfix.patch merged- nslookup failed to resolve name in certain cases- remove deps filter, it is no longer needed (#739663)- fix logrotate config file (#725256)- update to 9.8.1 - ship /etc/trusted-key.key (needed by dig) - use select instead of epoll in export libs (#735103)- fix DLZ related compilation issues - make /etc/named.{root,iscdlv}.key world-readable - add bind-libs versioned requires to bind pkg- fix rare race condition in request.c - print "the working directory is not writable" as debug message - re-add configtest target to initscript - initscript: sybsys name is always named, not named-sdb - nsupdate returned zero when target zone didn't exist (#700097) - nsupdate could have failed if server has multiple IPs and the first was unreachable (#714049)- update to 9.8.1rc1 - patches merged - bind97-rh674334.patch - bind97-cleanup.patch - bind98-includes.patch- improve patch for #725741- named could have crashed during reload when dyndb module is used (#725741)- update to 9.8.0-P4 - bind98-libdns-export.patch merged- update the dyndb patch- fix compilation of update to 9.8.0-P2 (CVE-2011-1910)- update to 9.8.0-P1 (CVE-2011-1907)- rebuilt for mysql 5.5.10 (soname bump in libmysqlclient)- update to 9.8.0 - bind97-rh665971.patch merged- revert previous change (integration with libnmserver)- integrate named with libnmserver library- include dns/rpz.h in -devel subpkg- update to 9.8.0rc1- update to 9.7.3 - fix dig +trace on dualstack systems (#674334) - fix linkage order when building on system with older BIND (#665971) - reduce number of gcc warnings- Rebuilt for update to 9.7.3rc1 - bind97-krb5-self.patch merged- fix typo in initscript- fix "service named status" when used with named-sdb - don't check MD5, size and mtime of sysconfig/named- add new option DISABLE_ZONE_CHECKING to sysconfig/named- update to 9.7.3b1- initscript should terminate only the correct "named" process (#622785)- fix "krb5-self" update-policy rule processing- update to 9.7.2-P3- added tmpfiles.d support (#656550) - removed old PID checking in initscript- don't emit various informational messages by default (#645544)- move BIND9 internal libs back to %{_libdir} - add "-export" suffix to public libraries (-lite subpkg)- ship -devel subpkg for internal libs, dnsperf needs it- new bind-libs-lite and bind-lite-devel subpkgs which contain public version of BIND 9 libraries - don't ship devel files for internal version of BIND 9 libraries- update to 9.7.2-P2- update to 9.7.2- update to 9.7.2rc1- host: handle "debug", "attempts" and "timeout" options in resolv.conf well- update to 9.7.2b1 - patches merged - bind97-rh507429.patch- supply root zone DNSKEY in default configuration- update to 9.7.1-P2 (CVE-2010-0213)- remove outdated Copyright.caching-nameserver file - remove rfc1912.txt, it is already located in %doc/rfc directory - move COPYRIGHT to the bind-libs subpkg - add COPYRIGHT to the -pkcs11 subpkg- update to 9.7.1-P1- update to 9.7.1 - improve the "dnssec-conf" trigger- update to 9.7.1rc1 - patches merged - bind97-keysdir.patch- update to 9.7.1b1 - make /var/named/dynamic as a default directory for managed DNSSEC keys - add patch to get "managed-keys-directory" option working - patches merged - bind97-managed-keyfile.patch - bind97-rh554316.patch- update dnssec-conf Obsoletes/Provides- update to 9.7.0-P2- added lost patch for #554316 (occasional crash in keytable.c)- active query might be destroyed in resume_dslookup() which triggered REQUIRE failure (#507429)- install SDB related manpages only when build with SDB- update to 9.7.0-P1- bind-sdb now requires bind- add man-pages ldap2zone.1 zonetodb.1 zone2sqlite.1 named-sdb.8 (#525655)- fix multilib issue (#478718) [jgorig]- improve automatic DNSSEC reconfiguration trigger - initscript now returns 2 in case that action doesn't exist (#523435) - enable/disable chroot when bind-chroot is installed/uninstalled- update to 9.7.0 final- obsolete dnssec-conf - automatically update configuration from old dnssec-conf based - improve default configuration; enable DLV by default - remove obsolete triggerpostun from bind-libs subpackage- update to 9.7.0rc2- initscript LSB related fixes (#523435)- revert the "DEBUG" feature (#510283), it causes too many problems (#545128)- update to 9.7.0rc1 - bind97-headers.patch merged - update default configuration- update to 9.7.0b3- install isc/namespace.h header- update to 9.7.0b2- update to 9.7.0b1 - add bind-pkcs11 subpackage to support PKCS11 compatible keystores for DNSSEC keys- don't package named-bootconf utility, it is very outdated and unneeded- determine file size via `stat` instead of `ls` (#523682)- update to 9.7.0a3- improve chroot related documentation (#507795) - add NetworkManager dispatcher script to reload named when network interface is activated/deactivated (#490275) - don't set/unset named_write_master_zones SELinux boolean every time in initscript, modify it only when it's actually needed- update to 9.7.0a2 - merged patches - bind-96-db_unregister.patch - bind96-rh507469.patch- next attempt to fix the postun trigger (#520385) - remove obsolete bind-9.3.1rc1-fix_libbind_includedir.patch- rebuilt with new openssl- update the patch for dynamic loading of database backends- 9.6.1-P1 release (CVE-2009-0696) - fix postun trigger (#513016, hopefully)- Rebuilt for remove useless bind-9.3.3rc2-rndckey.patch- fix broken symlinks in bind-libs (#509635) - fix typos in /etc/sysconfig/named (#509650) - add DEBUG option to /etc/sysconfig/named (#510283)- improved "chroot automount" patches (#504596) - host should fail if specified server doesn't respond (#507469)- 9.6.1 release - simplify chroot maintenance. Important files and directories are mounted into chroot (see /etc/sysconfig/named for more info, #504596) - fix doc/named.conf.default perms- 9.6.1rc1 release- update the patch for dynamic loading of database backends - create %{_libdir}/bind directory - copy default named.conf to doc directory, shared with s-c-bind (atkac)- update the patch for dynamic loading of database backends - fix dns_db_unregister() - useradd now takes "-N" instead of "-n" (atkac, #495726) - print nicer error msg when zone file is actually a directory (atkac, #490837)- 9.6.1b1 release - patches merged - bind-96-isc_header.patch - bind-95-rh469440.patch - bind-96-realloc.patch - bind9-fedora-0001.diff - use -version-number instead of -version-info libtool param- logrotate configuration file now points to /var/named/data/ by default (#489986)- fall back to insecure mode when no supported DNSSEC algorithm is found instead of SERVFAIL - don't fall back to non-EDNS0 queries when DO bit is set- enable DNSSEC only if it is enabled in sysconfig/dnssec- add DNSSEC support to initscript, enabled it per default - add requires dnssec-conf- fire away libbind, it is now separate package- fixed some read buffer overflows (upstream)- Rebuilt for update the patch for dynamic loading of database backends - include iterated_hash.h- rebuild for dependencies- rebuild against new openssl- 9.6.0-P1 release (CVE-2009-0025)- Happy new year - 9.6.0 release- 9.6.0rc2 release - bind-96-rh475120.patch merged- add patch for dynamic loading of database backends- allow to reuse address for non-random query-source ports (#475120)- 9.6.0rc1 release - patches merged - bind-9.2.0rc3-varrun.patch - bind-95-sdlz-include.patch - bind-96-libxml2.patch - fixed rare use-after-free problem in host utility (#452060) - enabled chase of DNSSEC signature chains in dig- improved sample config file (#473586)- reverted previous change, koji doesn't like it- build bind-chroot as noarch- updates due libtool 2.2.6 - don't pass -DLDAP_DEPRECATED to cpp, handle it directly in sources- make statistics http server working, patch backported from 9.6 HEAD- 9.6.0b1 release - don't build ODBC and Berkeley DB DLZ drivers - end of bind-chroot-admin script, copy config files to chroot manually - /proc doesn't have to be mounted to chroot - temporary use libbind from 9.5 series, noone has been released for 9.6 yet- dig/host: use only IPv4 addresses when -4 option is specified (#469440)- removed unneeded bind-9.4.1-ldap-api.patch- ship dns/{s,}dlz.h and isc/radix.h in bind-devel- removed bind-9.4.0-dnssec-directory.patch, it is wrong- 9.5.1b2 release - patches merged - bind95-rh454783.patch - bind-9.5-edns.patch - bind95-rh450995.patch - bind95-rh457175.patch- IDN output strings didn't honour locale settings (#461409)- disable transfer stats on DLZ zones (#454783)- add forgotten patch for #457175 - build with -O2- static libraries are no longer supported - IP acls weren't merged correctly (#457175) - use fPIE on sparcv9/sparc64 (Dennis Gilmore) - add sparc64 to list of 64bit arches in spec (Dennis Gilmore)- updated patches due new rpm (--fuzz=0 patch parameter)- use %patch0 for Patch0 (#455061) - correct source address (#455118)- 9.5.1b1 release (CVE-2008-1447) - dropped bind-9.5-recv-race.patch because upstream doesn't want it- update default named.conf statements (#452708)- some compat changes to fix building on RHEL4- fixed typo in %posttrans script- parse inner acls correctly (#450995)- removed dns-keygen utility in favour of rndc-confgen -a (#449287) - some minor sample fixes (#449274)- updated to 9.5.0 final - use getifaddrs to find available interfaces- make /var/run/named writable by named (#448277) - fixed one non-utf8 file- fixes needed to pass package review (#225614)- bind-chroot now depends on bind (#446477)- updated to 9.5.0rc1 - merged patches - bind-9.5-libcap.patch - make binaries readable by others (#427826)- reverted "any" patch, upstream says not needed - log EDNS failure only when we really switch to plain EDNS (#275091) - detect configuration file better- addresses and ::0 really match any (#275091, comment #28)- readded bind-9.5-libcap.patch - added bind-9.5-recv-race.patch from F8 branch (#400461)- build Berkeley DB DLZ backend- 9.5.0b3 release - dropped patches (upstream) - bind-9.5-transfer-segv.patch - bind-9.5-mudflap.patch - bind-9.5.0-generate-xml.patch - bind-9.5-libcap.patch- fixed named.conf.sample file (#437569)- fixed URLs- BuildRequires cleanup- rebuild without mudflap (#434159)- port named to use libcap library, enable threads (#433102) - removed some unneeded Requires- removed conditional build with libefence (use -fmudflapth instead) - fixed building of DLZ stuff (#432497) - do not build Berkeley DB DLZ backend - temporary build with --disable-linux-caps and without threads (#433102) - update file to affect IPv6 changes in root zone- build with -D_GNU_SOURCE (#431734) - improved fix for #253537, posttrans script is now used - improved fix for #400461 - 9.5.0b2 - bind-9.3.2b1-PIE.patch replaced by bind-9.5-PIE.patch - only named, named-sdb and lwresd are PIE - bind-9.5-sdb.patch has been updated - bind-9.5-libidn.patch has been updated - bind-9.4.0-sdb-sqlite-bld.patch replaced by bind-9.5-sdb-sqlite-bld.patch - removed bind-9.5-gssapi-header.patch (upstream) - removed bind-9.5-CVE-2008-0122.patch (upstream) - removed bind-9.2.2-nsl.patch - improved sdb_tools fixed segfault during sending notifies (#400461) - rebuild with gcc 4.3 series- removed bind-9.3.2-prctl_set_dumpable.patch (upstream) - allow parallel building of libdns library - CVE-2008-0122- fixed initscript wait loop (#426382) - removed dependency on policycoreutils and libselinux (#426515)- fixed regression caused by libidn2 patch (#426348)- fixed typo in post section (CVE-2007-6283)- removed obsoleted triggers - CVE-2007-6283- added dst/gssapi.h to -devel subpackage (#419091) - improved fix for (#417431)- fixed shutdown with initscript when rndc doesn't work (#417431) - fixed IDN patch (#412241)- 9.5.0b1 (#405281, #392491)- Rebuild for deps- build with -O0- bind-9.5-random_ports.patch was removed because upstream doesn't like it. query-source{,v6} options are sufficient (#391931) - bind-chroot-admin called restorecon on /proc filesystem (#405281)- removed edns patch to keep compatibility with vanilla bind (#275091, comment #20)- use system port selector instead ISC's (#391931)- removed statement from initscript which passes -D to named- 9.5.0a7 - dropped patches (upstream) - bind-9.5-update.patch - bind-9.5-pool_badfree.patch - bind-9.5-_res_errno.patch- added bind-sdb again, contains SDB modules and DLZ modules - bind-9.3.1rc1-sdb.patch replaced by bind-9.5-sdb.patch- removed Requires: openldap, postgresql, mysql, db4, unixODBC - new L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET address- completely disable DBUS- minor cleanup in bind-chroot-admin- fixed typo in initscript- disabled DBUS (dhcdbd doesn't exist & #339191)- fixed missing va_end () functions (#336601) - fixed memory leak when dbus initialization fails- corrected named.5 SDB statement (#326051)- added edns patch again (#275091)- removed bind-9.3.3-edns.patch patch (see #275091 for reasons)- build with O2 - removed "autotools" patch - bugfixing in bind-chroot-admin (#279901)- bind-9.5-2119_revert.patch and bind-9.5-fix_h_errno.patch are obsoleted by upstream bind-9.5-_res_errno.patch- fixed wrong resolver's dispatch pool cleanup (#275011, patch from tmraz redhat com)- initscript failure message is now printed correctly (#277981, Quentin Armitage (quentin armitage org uk) )- temporary revert ISC 2119 change and add "libbind-errno" patch (#254501) again- removed end dots from Summary sections ( - fixed wrong file creation by autotools patch ( start using --disable-isc-spnego configure option - remove bind-9.5-spnego-memory_management.patch (source isn't compiled)- added new initscript option KEYTAB_FILE which specified where is located kerberos .keytab file for named service - obsolete temporary bind-9.5-spnego-memory_management.patch by bind-9.5-gssapictx-free.patch which conforms BIND coding standards (#251853)- dropped direct dependency to /etc/openldap/schema directory - changed hardcoded paths to macros - fired away code which configure LDAP server- named could crash with SRV record UPDATE (#251336)- disable 64bit dlz driver patch on alpha and ia64 (#251298) - remove wrong malloc functions from lib/dns/spnego.c (#251853)- changed licence from BSD-like to ISC- disabled named on all runlevels by default- minor next improvements on autotools patch - dig and host utilities now using libidn instead idnkit for IDN support- binutils/gcc bug rebuild (#249435)- updated to 9.5.0a6 which contains fixes for CVE-2007-2925 and CVE-2007-2926 - fixed building on 64bits- integrated "autotools" patch for testing purposes (upstream will accept it in future, for easier building)- fixed DLZ drivers building on 64bit systems- fixed relation between logrotated and chroot-ed named- removed bind-sdb package (default named has compiled SDB backend now) - integrated DLZ (Dynamically loadable zones) drivers - integrated GSS-TSIG support (RFC 3645) - build with -O0 (many new features, potential core dumps will be more useful)- initscript should be ready for parallel booting (#246878)- handle integer overflow in isc_time_secondsastimet function gracefully (#247856)- moved chroot configfiles into chroot subpackage (#248306)- minor changes in default configuration - fix h_errno assigment during resolver initialization (unbounded recursion, #245857) - removed wrong patch to #150288- updated to latest upstream- marked caching-nameserver as obsolete (#244604) - fixed typo in initscript (causes that named doesn't detect NetworkManager correctly) - next cleanup in configuration - moved configfiles into config.tar - removed delay between start & stop in restart function in named.init- major changes in initscript. Could be LSB compatible now - removed caching-nameserver subpackage. Move configs from this package to main bind package as default configuration and major configuration cleanup- very minor compatibility change in bind-chroot-admin (line 215) - enabled IDN support by default and don't distribute IDN libraries - specfile cleanup - add dynamic directory to /var/named. This directory will be primarily used for dynamic DNS zones. ENABLE_ZONE_WRITE and SELinux's named_write_master_zones no longer exist- removed ldap-api patch and start using deprecated API - fixed minor problem in bind-chroot-admin script (#241103)- fixed bind-chroot-admin dynamic DNS handling (#239149) - updated zone-freeze patch to latest upstream - ldap sdb has been rewriten to latest api (#239802)- test build on new build system- updated to 9.4.1 which contains fix to CVE-2007-2241- improved "zone freeze patch" - if multiple zone with same name exists no zone is freezed - minor cleanup in caching-nameserver's config file - fixed race-condition in dbus code (#235809) - added forgotten restorecon statement in bind-chroot-admin- removed DEBUGINFO option because with this option (default) was bind builded with -O0 and without this flag no debuginfo package was produced. (I want faster bind => -O2 + debuginfo) - fixed zone finding (#236426)- added idn support (still under development with upstream, disabled by default)- dnssec-signzone utility now doesn't ignore -d parameter- removed query-source[-v6] options from caching-nameserver config (#209954, increase security) - throw away idn. It won't be ready in fc7- prepared bind to merge review - added experimental idn support to bind-utils utils (not enabled by default yet) - change chroot policy in caching-nameserver post section - fixed bug in bind-chroot-admin - rootdir function is called properly now- added experimental SQLite support (written by John Boyd ) - moved bind-chroot-admin script to chroot package - bind-9.3.2-redhat_doc.patch is always applied (#231738)- updated to 9.4.0 - bind-chroot-admin now sets EAs correctly (#213926) - throw away next_server_on_referral and no_servfail_stops patches (fixed in 9.4.0)- minor cleanup in bind-chroot-admin script- fixed broken bind-chroot-admin script (#227995)- bind-chroot-admin now uses correct chroot path (#227600)- fixed conflict between bind-sdb and ldap - removed duplicated bind directory in bind-libs- fixed building without libbind - fixed post section (selinux commands is now in if-endif statement) - prever macro has been removed from version- redirected output from bind-chroot prep and %preun stages to /dev/null- updated to version 9.3.4 which contains security bugfixes- package bind-libbind-devel has been marked as obsolete- package bind-libbind-devel has beed removed (libs has been moved to bind-devel & bind-libs) - Resolves: #214208- fixed a multi-lib issue - Resolves: rhbz#222717- added namedGetForwarders written in shell (#176100), created by Baris Cicek .- update to 9.3.3 final - fix for #219069: file included twice in src.rpm- added back an interval to restart - renamed package, it should meet the N-V-R criteria - fix for #216185: bind-chroot-admin able to change root mode 750 - added fix from #215997: incorrect permissions on dnszone.schema - added a notice to init script when /etc/named.conf doesn't exist (#216075)- fix for #200465: named-checkzone and co. cannot be run as non-root user - fix for #212348: chroot'd named causes df permission denied error - fix for #211249, #211083 - problems with stopping named - fix for #212549: init script does not unmount /proc filesystem - fix for #211282: EDNS is globally enabled, crashing CheckPoint FW-1, added edns-enable options to named configuration file which can suppress EDNS in queries to DNS servers (see /usr/share/doc/bind-9.3.3/misc/options) - fix for #212961: bind-chroot doesn't clean up its mess on %preun - update to 9.3.3rc3, removed already merged patches- fix for #209359: bind-libs from compatlayer CD will not install on ia64- added fix for #210096: warning: group named does not exist - using root- added fix from #209400 - Bind Init Script does not create the PID file always, created by Jeff Means - added timeout to stop section of init script. The default is 100 sec. and can be adjusted by NAMED_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT shell variable.- removed chcon from %post script, replaced by restorecon (Bug 202547, comment no. 37)- updated to the latest upstream (9.3.3rc2)- added upstream patch for correct SIG handling - CVE-2006-4095- suppressed messages from bind-chroot-admin - cleared notes about bind-config- added fix for #203522 - "bind-chroot-admin -e" command fails- fix for #203194 - tmpfile usage- fix for #202542 - /usr/sbin/bind-chroot-admin: No such file or directory - fix for #202547 - file_contexts: invalid context- added Provides: bind-config- fix bug 197493: renaming subpackage bind-config to caching-nameserver- fix bug 199876: make '%exclude libbbind.*' conditional on %{LIBBIND}- fix #195881, perms are not packaged correctly- fix addenda to bug 189789: determination of selinux enabled was still not 100% correct in bind-chroot-admin - fix addenda to bug 196398: make named.init test for NetworkManager being enabled AFTER testing for -D absence; named.init now supports a 'DISABLE_NAMED_DBUS' /etc/sysconfig/named setting to disable auto-enable of named dbus support if NetworkManager enabled.- fix bug 196398 - Enable -D option automatically in initscript if NetworkManager enabled in any runlevel. - fix namedGetForwarders for new dbus - fix bug 195881 - should be owned by bind-libbind-devel- Rebuild against new dbus- rebuild with fixed glibc-kernheaders- rebuild- fix bugs 191093, 189789 - backport selected fixes from upstream bind9 'v9_3_3b1' CVS version: ( see "Fixes" ): o change 2024 / bug 16027: named emitted spurious "zone serial unchanged" messages on reload o change 2013 / bug 15941: handle unexpected TSIGs on unsigned AXFR/IXFR responses more gracefully o change 2009 / bug 15808: coverity fixes o change 1997 / bug 15818: named was failing to replace negative cache entries when a positive one for the type was learnt o change 1994 / bug 15694: OpenSSL 0.9.8 support o change 1991 / bug 15813: The configuration data, once read, should be treated as readonly. o misc. validator fixes o misc. resolver fixes o misc. dns fixes o misc. isc fixes o misc. libbind fixes o misc. isccfg fix o misc. lwres fix o misc. named fixes o misc. dig fixes o misc. nsupdate fix o misc. tests fixes- and actually put the devel symlinks in the right subpackage- rebuild for -devel deps- apply upstream patch for ncache_adderesult segfault bug 173961 addenda - fix bug 188382: rpm --verify permissions inconsistencies - fix bug 189186: use /sbin/service instead of initscript - rebuild for new gcc, glibc-kernheaders- fix resolver.c ncache_adderesult segfault reported in addenda to bug 173961 (upstream bugs #15642, #15528 ?) - allow named ability to generate core dumps after setuid (upstream bug #15753)- fix bug 187529: make bind-chroot-admin deal with subdirectories properly- fix bug 187286: prevent host(1) printing duplicate 'is an alias for' messages for the default AAAA and MX lookups as well as for the A lookup (it now uses the CNAME returned for the A lookup for the AAAA and MX lookups). This is upstream bug #15702 fixed in the unreleased bind-9.3.3 - fix bug 187333: fix SOURCE24 and SOURCE25 transposition- fix bug 186577: remove -L/usr/lib from libbind.pc and more .spec file cleanup - add '%doc' sample configuration files in /usr/share/doc/bind*/sample - rebuild with new gcc and glibc- fix typo in initscript - fix Requires(post): policycoreutils in sub-packages- fix bug 185969: more .spec file cleanup- Do not allow package to be installed if named:25 userid creation fails - Give libbind a pkg-config file - remove restorecon from bind-chroot-admin (not required). - fix named.caching-nameserver.conf (listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1 };)- fix issues with bind-chroot-admin- replace caching-nameserver with bind-config sub-package - fix bug 177595: handle case where $ROOTDIR is a link in initscript - fix bug 177001: bind-config creates symlinks OK now - fix bug 176388: named.conf is now never replaced by any RPM - fix bug 176248: remove unecessary creation of rpmsave links - fix bug 174925: no replacement of named.conf - fix bug 173963: existing named.conf never modified - major .spec file cleanup- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- regenerate redhat_doc patch for non-DBUS builds - allow dbus builds to work with dbus version < 0.6 (bz #179816)- try supporting without dbus support- Rebuild for new gcc, glibc, glibc-kernheaders- fix bug 177854: temporary fix for broken kernel-2.6.15-1854+ /proc/net/if_inet6 format- Upgrade to 9.3.2, released today- fix bug 176100: do not Require: perl just for namedGetForwarders !- rebuilt- Upgrade to upstream version 9.3.2rc1 - fix namedSetForwarders -> namedGetForwarders SOURCE14 typo- rebuild for new dbus 0.6 dependency; remove use of DBUS_NAME_FLAG_PROHIBIT_REPLACEMENT- allow D-BUS support to work in bind-chroot environment: workaround latest selinux policy by mounting /var/run/dbus/ under chroot instead of /var/run/dbus/system-bus-socket- fix bug 172632 - remove .la files - ship namedGetForwarders and namedSetForwarders scripts - fix detection of -D option in chroot- rebuilt with new openssl- Allow the -D enable D-BUS option to be used within bind-chroot . - fix bug 171226: supply some documentation for pgsql SDB .- fix bug 169969: do NOT call dbus_svc_dispatch() in dbus_mgr_init_dbus() - task->state != task_ready and will cause Abort in task.c if process is waiting for NameOwnerChanged to do a SetForwarders- Fix reconnecting to dbus-daemon after it stops & restarts .- When forwarder nameservers are changed with D-BUS, flush the cache.- fix bug 168302: use %{__cc} for compiling dns-keygen - fix bug 167682: bind-chroot directory permissions - fix issues with -D dbus option when dbus service not running or disabled- fix bug 167062: named should be started after syslogd by default- fix bug 166227: host: don't do default AAAA and MX lookups with '-t a' option- Build with D-BUS patch by default; D-BUS support enabled with named -D option - Enable D-BUS for named_sdb also - fix sdb pgsql's zonetodb.c: must use isc_hash_create() before dns_db_create() - update fix for bug 160914 : test for RD=1 and ARCOUNT=0 also before trying next server - fix named.init script to handle named_sdb properly - fix named.init script checkconfig() to handle named '-c' option and make configtest, test, check configcheck synonyms- fix named.init script bugs 163598, 163409, 151852(addendum)- fix bug 160914: resolver utilities should try next server on empty referral (now that glibc bug 162625 is fixed) host and nslookup now by default try next server on SERVFAIL (host now has '-s' option to disable, and nslookup given '[no]fail' option similar to dig's [no]fail option). - rebuild and re-test with new glibc & gcc (all tests passed).- fix bug 157950: dig / host / nslookup should reject invalid resolv.conf files and not use uninitialized garbage nameserver values (ISC bug 14841 raised).- Fix SDB LDAP- Fix bug 157601: give named.init a configtest function - Fix bug 156797: named.init should check SELinux booleans.local before booleans - Fix bug 154335: if no controls in named.conf, stop named with -TERM sig, not rndc - Fix bug 155848: add NOTES section to named.8 man-page with info on all Red Hat BIND quirks and SELinux DDNS / slave zone file configuration - D-BUS patches NOT applied until dhcdbd is in FC- Enhancement to allow dynamic forwarder table management and - DHCP forwarder auto-configuration with D-BUS- Rebuild for bind-sdb dependency - fix bug 150981: don't install libbind man-pages if no libbind - fix bug 151852: mount proc on $ROOTDIR/proc to allow sysconf(...) to work and correct number of CPUs to be determined- Upgrade to ISC BIND 9.3.1 (final release) released today.- fix bug 150288: h_errno not being accessed / set correctly in libbind - add libbind man-pages from bind-8.4.6- Rebuild with gcc4 / glibc-2.3.4-14.- configure with --with-pic to get PIC libraries- fix bug 149183: don't use getifaddrs() .- Upgrade to 9.3.1rc1 - Add Simplified Database Backend (SDB) sub-package ( bind-sdb ) - add named_sdb - ldap + pgsql + dir database backend support with - 'ENABLE_SDB' named.sysconfig option - Add BIND resolver library & includes sub-package ( libbind-devel) - fix bug 147824 / 147073 / 145664: ENABLE_ZONE_WRITE in named.init - fix bug 146084 : shutup restorecon- Fix bug 143438: named.init will now make correct ownership of $ROOTDIR/var/named - based on 'named_write_master_zones' SELinux boolean. - Fix bug 143744: dig & nsupdate IPv6 timeout (dup of 140528)- Upgrade BIND to 9.3.0 in Rawhide / FC4 (bugs 134529, 133654...)- Fix bugs 140528 and 141113: - 2 second timeouts when IPv6 not configured and root nameserver's - AAAA addresses are queried- Fix bug 136243: bind-chroot %post must run restorecon -R %{prefix} - Fix bug 135175: named.init must return non-zero if named is not run - Fix bug 134060: bind-chroot %post must use mktemp, not /tmp/named - Fix bug 133423: bind-chroot %files entries should have been %dirs- BIND 9.2.4 (final release) released - source code actually - identical to 9.2.4rc8, with only version number change.- Upgrade to upstream bind-9.2.4rc8 . - Progress: Finally! Hooray! ISC bind now distributes: - o named.conf(5) and nslookup(8) manpages - 'bind-manpages.bz2' source can now disappear - (could this have something to do with ISC bug I raised about this?) - o 'deprecation_msg' global has vanished - bind-9.2.3rc3-deprecation_msg_shut_up.diff.bz2 can disappear- Fix bug 106572/132385: copy /etc/localtime to chroot on start- Fix bug 132303: if ROOTDIR line was replaced after upgrade from - bind-chroot-9.2.2-21, restart named- Fix bug 131803: replace ROOTDIR line removed by broken - bind-chroot 9.2.2-21's '%postun'; added %triggerpostun for bind-chroot- Fix bugs 130121 & 130981 for RHEL-3- Fix bug 130121: add '%ghost' entries for files included in previous - bind-chroot & not in current - ie. named.conf, rndc.key, dev/* - - that RPM removed after upgrade .- Fix bug 130981: add '-t' option to named-checkconf invocation in - named.init if chroot installed.- Remove resolver(5) manpage now in man-pages (bug 130792); - Don't create /dev/ entries in bind-chroot if already there (bug 127556); - fix bind-devel Requires (bug 130919) - Set default location for dumpdb & stats files to /var/named/data- Fix devel Requires for bug 130738 & fix version- Fix errors on clean install if named group does not exist - (bug 130777)- Upgrade to bind-9.2.4rc7; applied initscript fix - for bug 102035.- Fixed bug 129289: bind-chroot install / deinstall - on install, existing config files 'safe_replace'd - with links to chroot copies; on uninstall, moved back.- Fixed bug 129258: "${prefix}/var/tmp" typo in spec- Fixed bug 127124 : 'Requires: kernel >= 2.4' - causes problems with Linux VServers- Fixed bug 127555 : chroot tar missing var/named/slaves- Upgraded to ISC version 9.2.4rc6- Fixed named.init generation of error messages on - 'service named stop' and 'service named reload' - as per bug 127775- Bump for rhel 3.0 U3- remove disable-linux-caps- Update RHEL3 to latest bind- rebuilt- Remove device files from chroot, Named uses the system one- Move RFC to devel package- Fix location of restorecon- Tighten security on config files. Should be owned by root- Update key patch to include conf-keygen- fix chroot to only happen once. - fix init script to do kill insteall of killall- Add fix for SELinux security context- rebuilt- run ldconfig for libs subrpm- Use ':' instead of '.' as separator for chown.- Add COPYRIGHT- rebuilt- Add defattr to libs- Break out library package- Fix condrestart- Move libisc and libdns to bind from bind-util- Move to 9.2.3- Add PIE support- Add /var/named/slaves directory- do not link against libnsl, not needed for Linux- Fix local time in log file- Try again- Fix handling of chroot -/dev/random- Stop hammering stuff on update of chroot environment- Fix chroot directory to grab all subdirectories- New patch to support for "delegation-only"- patch support for "delegation-only"- Update to build on RHL- Install libraries as exec so debug info will be pulled- Remove BSDCOMPAT (BZ 99454)- Update to build on RHL- Change protections on /var/named and /var/chroot/named- Update to build on RHL- Update to build on RHEL- rebuilt- Update to build on RHEL- Fix config description of named.conf in chroot - Change named.init script to check for existence of /etc/sysconfig/network- Update to build on RHEL- Update to build on RHEL- Fix echo OK on starting/stopping service- Update to build on RHEL- Fix echo on startup- Fix problems with chroot environment - Eliminate posix threads- Fix build problems- Fix build on beehive- build bind-chroot kit- Change configure to use proper threads model- update to 9.2.2- update to 9.2.2- Put a sleep in restart to make sure stop completes- rebuilt- Separate /etc/rndc.key to separate file- Use openssl's pkgconfig data, if available, at build-time.- Fix log rotate to use service named reload - Change service named reload to give success/failure message [73770] - Fix File checking [75710] - Begin change to automatically run in CHROOT environment- Fix startup script to work like all others.- Fix configure to build on x86_64 platforms- fix #70583, doesn't build on IA64- bind-utils shouldn't require bind- fix name of pidfine in logrotate script (#68842) - fix owner of logfile in logrotate script (#41391) - fix nslookup and named.conf man pages (output on stderr) (#63553, #63560, #63561, #54889, #57457) - add rfc1912 (#50005) - gzip all rfc's - fix typo in keygen.c (#54870) - added missing manpages (#64065) - shutdown named properly with rndc stop (#62492) - /sbin/nologin instead of /bin/false (#68607) - move nsupdate to bind-utils (where the manpage already was) (#66209, #66381) - don't kill initscript when rndc fails (reload) (#58750)- Fix #65975- automated rebuild- automated rebuild- Move libisccc, lib isccfg and liblwres from bind-utils to bind, they're not required if you aren't running a nameserver.- update to 9.2.1 release- Merge 30+ bug fixes from 9.2.1rc1 code- Don't exit if /etc/named.conf doesn't exist if we're running chroot (#60868) - Revert Elliot's changes, we do require specific glibc/glibc-kernheaders versions or bug #58335 will be back. "It compiles, therefore it works" isn't always true.- Fix BuildRequires (we don't need specific glibc/glibc-kernheaders versions). - Use _smp_mflags- rebuild, require recent autoconf, automake (#58335)- rebuild against new libssl- automated rebuild- 9.2.0- 9.2.0rc10- Fix up rndc.conf (#55574)- rc8 - Enforce --enable-threads- 9.2.0rc7 - Use rndc status for "service named status", it's supposed to actually work in 9.2.x.- 9.2.0rc5 - Fix rpm --rebuild with ancient libtool versions (#53938, #54257)- 9.2.0rc4- 9.2.0rc3 - remove ttl patch, I don't think we need this for 8.0. - remove dig.1.bz2 from the bind8-manpages tar file, 9.2 has a new dig man page - add lwres* man pages to -devel- Make sure /etc/rndc.conf isn't world-readable even after the %post script inserted a random key (#53009)- Add build dependencies (#49368) - Make sure running service named start several times doesn't create useless processes (#47596) - Work around the named parent process returning 0 even if the config file is broken (it's parsed later by the child processes) (#45484)- Don't use rndc status, it's not yet implemented (#48839)- update to 9.1.3 release- Fix up rndc configuration and improve security (#46586)- Sync with caching-nameserver-7.1-6- Update to rc2- Remove resolv.conf(5) man page, it's now in man-pages- Add named.conf man page from bind 8.x (outdated, but better than nothing, - Rename the rndc key (#42895) - Add dnssec* man pages- 9.1.3rc1 - s/Copyright/License/- 9.1.2 final. No changes between 9.1.2-0.rc1.1 and this one, except for the version number, though.- 9.1.2rc1- 9.1.1- Merge fixes from 9.1.1rc5- Work around bind 8 -> bind 9 migration problem when using buggy zone files: accept zones without a TTL, but spew out a big fat warning. (#31393)- Add fixes from rc4- rebuild in new environment- killall -HUP named if rndc reload fails (#30113)- Merge some fixes from 9.1.1rc3- Don't use the standard rndc key from the documentation, instead, create a random one at installation time (#26358) - Make /etc/rndc.conf readable by user named only, it contains secret keys- 9.1.1 probably won't be out in time, revert to 9.1.0 and apply fixes from 9.1.1rc2 - bind requires bind-utils (#28317)- Update to rc2, fixes 2 more bugs - Fix build with glibc >= 2.2.1-7- Update to 9.1.1rc1; fixes 17 bugs (14 of them affecting us; 1 was fixed in a Red Hat patch already, 2 others are portability improvements)- Remove initscripts 5.54 requirement (#26489)- Add named-checkconf, named-checkzone (#25170)- use echo, not gprintf- Fix problems with $GENERATE Patch from Daniel Roesen Bug #24890- 9.1.0 final- 9.1.0rc1 - i18nify init script - bzip2 source to save space- Fix %postun script- 9.1.0b3- Add named.conf man page from bind8 (#23503)- Make /etc/rndc.conf and /etc/sysconfig/named noreplace - Make devel require bind = %{version} rather than just bind- Fix init script for real- Fix init script when ROOTDIR is not set- Add hooks for setting up named to run chroot (RFE #23246) - Fix up requirements- 9.1.0b2- Move run files to /var/run/named/ - /var/run isn't writable by the user we're running as. (Bug #20665)- Fix reverse lookups (#22272) - Run ldconfig in %post utils- fixed logrotate script (wrong path to kill) - include header files in -devel package - bugzilla #22049, #19147, 21606- 9.1.0b1 (9.1.0 is in our timeframe and less buggy)- 9.0.1- Fix initscript (Bug #19956) - Add sample rndc.conf (Bug #19956) - Fix build with tar 1.13.18- Add some missing man pages (taken from bind8) (Bug #18794)- 9.0.0 final- rc5 - fix up nslookup- rc4- 9.0.0rc1- automatic rebuild- add "exit 0" for uninstall case- add prereq init.d and cleanup install section- fix the init script- make libbind.a and readable again by setting INSTALL_LIB to ""- Fix up the initscript (Bug #13033) - Fix build with current glibc (Bug #12755) - /etc/rc.d/init.d -> /etc/init.d - use %{_mandir} rather than /usr/share/man- fix conflict with man-pages - remove compatibilty chkconfig links - initscript munging- modify logrotate setup to use PID file - temporarily disable optimization by unsetting $RPM_OPT_FLAGS at build-time - actually bump the release this time- FHS compliance- clean up restart patch- provide /var/named (fix for bugs #9847, #10205) - preserve args when restarted via ndc(8) (bug #10227) - make resolv.conf(5) a link to resolver(5) (bug #10245) - fix SYSTYPE bug in all makefiles - move creation of named user from %post into %pre- Fix TTL (patch from ISC, Bug #9820)- fix typo in spec (it's %post, without a leading blank) introduced in -6 - change SYSTYPE to linux- pick a standard < 100 uid/gid for named- Pass named a '-u named' parameter by default, and add/remove user.- fix host mx bug (Bug #9021)- rebuild to fix dependencies - man pages are compressed- It's /usr/bin/killall, not /usr/sbin/killall (Bug #8063)- Fix up location of and make it executable (Bug #8028) - bind-devel requires bind- update to 8.2.2-P5- update to 8.2.2-P3- add patch to stop a cache only server from complaining about lame servers on every request.- use real stop and start in named.init for restart, not ndc restart, it has problems when named has changed during a package update... (# 4890)- chkconfig --del in %preun, not %postun- initscript munging- fix installed chkconfig links to match init file- conflict with new (in man-1.24) man pages (#3876,#3877).- fix named.logrotate (wrong %SOURCE)- update to 8.2.1. - add named.logrotate (#3571). - hack around egcs-1.1.2 -m486 bug (#3413, #3485). - vet file list.- don't run by default- nslookup fixes (#2463). - missing files (#3152).- nslookup patched: to count numRecords properly to fix subsequent calls to ls -d to parse "view" and "finger" commands properly the view hack updated for bind-8 (using sed)- add ISC patch - add quick hack to make host not crash - add more docs- add probing information in the init file to keep linuxconf happy - dont strip libbind- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 3)- removed 'done' output at named shutdown.- version 8.2- patch to use the __FDS_BITS macro - build for glibc 2.1- change named.restart to /usr/sbin/ndc restart- install man pages correctly. - change K10named to K45named.- don't start if /etc/named.conf doesn't exist.- autmagically create /etc/named.conf from /etc/named.boot in %post - remove echo in %post- merge in 5.1 mods- Several essential modifications to build and install correctly. - Modified 'ndc' to avoid deprecated use of '-'- Used buildroot - patched bin/named/ns_udp.c to use for include on Redhat 5.0 instead of  32:9.9.4-51.el732:9.9.4-51.el7trusted-key.keydighostnslookupnsupdatedig.1.gzhost.1.gznslookup.1.gznsupdate.1.gz/etc//usr/bin//usr/share/man/man1/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminatorsELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=a74b289da0c20b49915132535451cdbeb164c15a, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=3914d78b6938846d1f947ffc86fac577a982f10d, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=013c258dc5dfa1c5e53f8d369648c44af1974bae, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=2e8ba3a94ce3c5ff3d89710cb050f0e90bb1f967, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)6QRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRR R R RRRRRR RRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRR R R RRRRRR RRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRR R R RRRRRR RRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRR R R RRRRRR RR?p7zXZ !PH6o]"k%4L =ԑ0eQ drA $'  GG|ks6_ fXPҀyao*|e^AQݵ/}5O+T㫆0WW8m]wTCVVr*'qKGE Ni*upuB$@Wx&#i~K<!0J|9O\_JXhps7epbexk{a0_x1E>#<}E:;og{xs"6_uZ^"іm<|7[ҙL9q].v I9*CYl6MrP[! ,4?IHRi&&Rx]aM*O&h/`a_LP=Y?hM2̆5 O$ѕ2)݃7R0)Pw]%ϱ +YԏApGyŷYkB1QpP˗GOr!)m12Ϲk?*ġw5\P ,o r[_!SbDwVWueɶTCgR=*;i1׳k <9,.~\=ErI񫑥.ME(쀋o~FIN>@+]}_̷OD@u͍Xlce`iؼa68*]R-Q8lS/ YPFI'E+O8zS%W?* |+0aa@ cVXiaiGM%f}td="]"ʆ+r^en{ 'A[~2${3^ux ʐX9DTuxAbHJ?N x[՝ʱr0zbp,mﺏ3˄Kaa6~# MDb݀^AD ߅=^āBnX 61Ƒٲh1ݰ*2zfMlpLc2lMvrg9!~t 3~shɀuA~& 9[2wHxlJڒ^ۣk2bV:μlGi+ضr.aؾGXi @sg(A]1j"[~0 ꓋]vX>.ٷ&̮;Nx\5 l_ XGa**etRZbHc^R>Q j/4Ncx}hei+RspJAq8<>DIx}$6wAnNFu v ,:G>W恗uH$pMNgf9ߑZQJU` T,{ WQR|}סa1<,>, OvqЁcK]i(6=)p-J'S΃࠘dE"9MYѶ! ^^4.ꎧgaJtz׻!\D.iN $q2muh=ujD`>>$ 79_ѤKgD:^OOFWu+E~"s2UtVӋ0$|2c@p~w/oɚoz-)8z8vnĞGFq]|i~`,ޜcgɍ˱y6?埥 +{G4)O'\v#PLxY&)/ݨ"M>0 "_sC8*-Os%Mp'- 0@e/Zıꊡ/@Hd@rb\ܭص7jl$Q6."0`0udM_ Av;d4e6B.i=a7P D[VFND,U3J#uc,7"$kxLfS`ΣĨ%֢lMR#ɅS;"VR/𤌺TWS6ia}Q_4 IXu]R⤘o̯֎iIgh6xYNDDCCyDhْ94?x,sjŰ{I~:a rg*mJ:>׷rfƙcgopGP]h},~8b=8'l31J2d9+t)g$8C*e;oԑNZ$m'(Ԫq&SMNB֖ѭRUJ)@g%ieBUr`/p:R!O!yڬ`P$FZ7Ǝ(_4/{|r!Q^=U :YY (qDQxhϴrI%UWuv~kWb&)bSkg_]]<)GmΈِ!`l.OΠg~Nxj~8C>[~>i70wrPo6oﭰ=D灀,soyEԘIFw<fb u))j~6/heHEm06s ,bNuYzݹ5|.u*)awpsgdk!ٶu # nLۥ^g=_+\<8$HRHF\CZ9Ir+ECH O_޾&(ku6/f>_ d\9,2r !,k\Bct%DX]l/0tv,ˊh=Oe 8G \lA/]?ư]{_D$'y[`.RH/i:{Ks _s{}RS俄pp"\Vz`cC:urBx?5ȝ]9<>%3WŁ"kP'*n-o6n߯R7+w*mnxThw;ۢae2\Ӑ^0.ŀ7%䰏_I_F)+xUir|6U1drI;c:z:kgb{2;|% ȺW w7bn-xf'|DAqf"CfOcA]/--[ )`Ra=鼗wK8?)EzO{ 7x}W3 x2~T|W.* -lddF3JdbK7PiXP72(LRl &>Хl?}Z> ^_eۓ׷04GB0(16=m?DL+s=hfN 9-vdV* q՘yZN1H04~&3Ww^/ DžZvߓ[ctho@zΤ3<&F67ex@Ђ_ jsr~,LJȝ =Sjg FXvV#-o$X[7@I4_'Hܪ}"X2Xf)Xbzp8_u**v΋Qع0Or_΁&0Gu84Y,K.1tғV_d[5W~ :ЎStUO@41^ L@|5ڋ1J$3i=V?W=ϝ>亮8"0_RTPI*5~n.UWtLLfV%欱J֊k49tW KV|R9Z<:YV.8gƋ{֧pmP@ypWAH?tpzŰQ o^2|2EpNW, B)`2d$OQw靠ѡPK]HT+Xy]ӐDt`d?Oy;sH|'4 h4]%d9B. i3W'VA헂Ė{TXS'huD+U܉jN σ9Qʆ̦a - vTU[XO*O2 5? 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