copy-jdk-configs-2.2-5.el7_4$>Ba7x@ 3eg><0?0d  ? #/RX`p x   T Xh|(8 9 : G HH XI hX lY p\ |] ^ b (d e f l t u v w lx |y  /0}00Ccopy-jdk-configs2.25.el7_4JDKs configuration files copierUtility script to transfer JDKs configuration files between updates or for archiving. With script to fix incorrectly created rpmnew filesZ ]0c1bm.rdu2.centos.org5CentOSBSDCentOS BuildSystem Unspecified"DӁA클Z ]0Z Z ]0Z 3ba49293c1470ce722a0f04ec1f74c04e633a17cc74354f73753f0fef0e7c1c7160e19d8a796518c73bb646c4653612379896feb8ef741b65ef57bc6b9544eb0386eaf71633bf096e6c17471f50e867dabdf14d38a157ca27a0425dc583eb9ferootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootcopy-jdk-configs-2.2-5.el7_4.src.rpmcopy-jdk-configs@      /bin/bash/bin/shluarpmlib(BuiltinLuaScripts)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)4.2.2-13.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.11.3Z@Z }YGY?X@WWW @W @VVqR@VUJiri Vanek - 2.2-5Jiri Vanek - 2.2-4Jiri Vanek - 2.2-3Jiri Vanek - 2.2-1Jiri Vanek - 1.3-1Jiri Vanek - 1.2-1Jiri Vanek - 1.1-5Jiri Vanek - 1.1-3Jiri Vanek - 1.1-3Jiri Vanek - 1.1-3Jiri Vanek - 1.1-2Jiri Vanek - 1.1-1- adapted (added policy subdir) patch1: newPolices.patch - Resolves: rhbz#1513697- added an daplied in install patch1: newPolices.patch - Resolves: rhbz#1513697- updated to latest head - Resolves: rhbz#1427463- added "jre/lib/security/blacklisted.certs" to cared files - moved to newest release 2.1 - moved to new upstream at - added new script of - copy_jdk_configs.lua aligned to it - Resolves: rhbz#1427463- updated to upstream 1.3 (adding jre/lib/security/cacerts file) - Resolves: rhbz#1399719- updated to 1,3 which fixing nss minor issue - Resolves: rhbz#1296430- posttrans silenced, the error is appearing only in state, when there is nothing to copy - Resolves: rhbz#1296430- commented requires on lua posix to stop blocking composes. - changed it to 644 to dont mislead by executable flags - Resolves: rhbz#1296430- inital commit to rhel - Resolves: rhbz#1296430- pretrasn lua call now done in pcall (protected call) - also posttrans now always return 0- package now "installs" also during pretrans, so pretrasn scripts can use it - pretrasn "install" is removed in postrans- initial package2.2-5.el7_4copy_jdk_configs.luacopy_jdk_configs_fixFiles.shcopy-jdk-configs-2.2LICENSE/usr/libexec//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/copy-jdk-configs-2.2/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuLua script, ASCII text executableBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executabledirectoryASCII textRfunction createPretransScript() -- the sript must be available during pretrans, so multiply it to tmp os.execute("mkdir -p /var/lib/rpm-state") temp_path="/var/lib/rpm-state/copy_jdk_configs.lua" -- print("generating " .. temp_path) file =, "w") file:write([[#!/usr/bin/lua -- rpm call -- lua -- copy_jdk_configs.lua --currentjvm "%{uniquesuffix %{nil}}" --jvmdir "%{_jvmdir %{nil}}" --origname "%{name}" --origjavaver "%{javaver}" --arch "%{_arch}" --debug true --test call --lua -- copy_jdk_configs.lua --currentjvm "java-1.8.0-openjdk-" --jvmdir "/usr/lib/jvm" --origname "java-1.8.0-openjdk" --origjavaver "1.8.0" --arch "x86_64" --debug true --jvmDestdir /home/jvanek/Desktop -- yum install lua-posix local posix = require "posix" -- the one we are installing local currentjvm = nil local jvmdir = nil local jvmDestdir = nil local origname = nil local origjavaver = nil local arch = nil local debug = false; local temp = nil; for i=1,#arg,2 do if (arg[i] == "--help" or arg[i] == "-h") then print("all but jvmDestdir and debug are mandatory") print(" --currentjvm") print(" NVRA of currently installed java") print(" --jvmdir") print(" Directory where to find this kind of virtual machine. Generally /usr/lib/jvm") print(" --origname") print(" convinient switch to determine jdk. Generally java-1.X.0-vendor") print(" --origjavaver") print(" convinient switch to determine jdk's version. Generally 1.X.0") print(" --arch") print(" convinient switch to determine jdk's arch") print(" --jvmDestdir") print(" Migration/testing switch. Target Mostly same as jvmdir, but you may wont to copy ouside it.") print(" --debug") print(" Enables printing out whats going on. true/false") print(" --temp") print(" optional file to save intermediate result - directory configs were copied from") os.exit(0) end if (arg[i] == "--currentjvm") then currentjvm=arg[i+1] end if (arg[i] == "--jvmdir") then jvmdir=arg[i+1] end if (arg[i] == "--origname") then origname=arg[i+1] end if (arg[i] == "--origjavaver") then origjavaver=arg[i+1] end if (arg[i] == "--arch") then arch=arg[i+1] end if (arg[i] == "--jvmDestdir") then jvmDestdir=arg[i+1] end if (arg[i] == "--debug") then --no string, boolean, workaround if (arg[i+1] == "true") then debug = true end end if (arg[i] == "--temp") then temp=arg[i+1] end end if (jvmDestdir == nil) then jvmDestdir = jvmdir end if (debug) then print("--currentjvm:"); print(currentjvm); print("--jvmdir:"); print(jvmdir); print("--jvmDestdir:"); print(jvmDestdir); print("--origname:"); print(origname); print("--origjavaver:"); print(origjavaver); print("--arch:"); print(arch); print("--debug:"); print(debug); end --trasnform substitute names to lua patterns local name = string.gsub(string.gsub(origname, "%-", "%%-"), "%.", "%%.") local javaver = string.gsub(origjavaver, "%.", "%%.") local jvms = { } local caredFiles = {"jre/lib/", "jre/lib/", "jre/lib/", "jre/lib/", "jre/lib/", "jre/lib/", "jre/lib/", "jre/lib/", "jre/lib/deployment.config", "jre/lib/security/US_export_policy.jar", "jre/lib/security/java.policy", "jre/lib/security/", "jre/lib/security/local_policy.jar", "jre/lib/security/nss.cfg", "jre/lib/security/cacerts", "jre/lib/security/blacklisted.certs", "jre/lib/ext", "lib/", "lib/", "lib/", "lib/", "lib/", "lib/", "lib/", "lib/", "lib/deployment.config", "lib/security/US_export_policy.jar", "lib/security/java.policy", "lib/security/", "lib/security/local_policy.jar", "lib/security/nss.cfg", "lib/security/cacerts", "lib/security/blacklisted.certs", "lib/security/default.policy", "conf/security/policy/limited/exempt_local.policy", "conf/security/policy/limited/default_local.policy", "conf/security/policy/limited/default_US_export.policy", "conf/security/policy/unlimited/default_local.policy", "conf/security/policy/unlimited/default_US_export.policy", "conf/security/java.policy", "conf/security/", "conf/", "conf/security/nss.cfg", "conf/management/jmxremote.access", "conf/management/jmxremote.password.template", "conf/management/", "conf/", "conf/", "lib/ext"} function splitToTable(source, pattern) local i1 = string.gmatch(source, pattern) local l1 = {} for i in i1 do table.insert(l1, i) end return l1 end if (debug) then print("started") end; foundJvms = posix.dir(jvmdir); if (foundJvms == nil) then if (debug) then print("no, or nothing in "..jvmdir.." exit") end; return end if (debug) then print("found "..#foundJvms.."jvms") end; for i,p in pairs(foundJvms) do -- regex similar to %{_jvmdir}/%{name}-%{javaver}*%{_arch} bash command if (string.find(p, name.."%-"..javaver..".*"..arch) ~= nil ) then if (debug) then print("matched: "..p) end; if (currentjvm == p) then if (debug) then print("this jdk is already installed. exiting lua script") end; return end ; if (string.match(p, ".*-debug$")) then print(p.." matched but seems to be debug variant. Skipping") else table.insert(jvms, p) end else if (debug) then print("NOT matched: "..p) end; end end if (#jvms <=0) then if (debug) then print("no matching jdk in "..jvmdir.." exit") end; return end; if (debug) then print("matched "..#jvms.." jdk in "..jvmdir) end; --full names are like java-1.7.0-openjdk- table.sort(jvms , function(a,b) -- version-sort -- split on non word: . - local l1 = splitToTable(a, "[^%.-]+") local l2 = splitToTable(b, "[^%.-]+") for x = 1, math.min(#l1, #l2) do local l1x = tonumber(l1[x]) local l2x = tonumber(l2[x]) if (l1x ~= nil and l2x ~= nil)then --if hunks are numbers, go with them if (l1x < l2x) then return true; end if (l1x > l2x) then return false; end else if (l1[x] < l2[x]) then return true; end if (l1[x] > l2[x]) then return false; end end -- if hunks are equals then move to another pair of hunks end return a /dev/null || :/bin/sh?@7zXZ !#,5]"k%wHvX1ڋNHRFHh13S_T&``~X]83.`zobOe\(mmJ. ;s/:pJ8lj2`ugGEwO✺߅O2epDHA3;3؋:93"v\ +`WBP כ6&:Hk'%`SLoKy+Kx_ T-bd*LktQ#]iƄǑo4R/Wcƻ&Fqf:Ċip_SL`-z`"84duǵMo5e򩎪QR'cGtZ]/UP^V)Jz  Js-̔U0e}bPHQ nvcެO3Q]4pMv>A( [1Nqyw/=Vu63.BS\um13{!B UnӰGMab(=*],\x42dh|L:._&>JlQi\`tӟ2gB^ҭf ]c7_Sh{vXM}+:עJEr#Q'S MyKfptXLxtf.Yo ʠN9\d]B&Q1: 񨥆1n"dwCMhl:ZXyߛoz=+]Ed"[4xgѮF![ͪXp!#xr) kT)sk9$^rBZv|R4Zk\+jmyzDx"rE${^gPQ[v) BQ#s E[e.`aάphFj RȪoCn `wub_2wǍ,{Gux`&َL_@|ə%e'ґISl۔Գ=rS+-EqnRv[_@]-H&Ƃ[L´XW IׁET%,VǞ1G_1gw Xfhpx)())J̅}-Yː;iU2Jcd]K̊׋(|ox䀋D S"s~`jY6}S\;AVy|ɟ-v= {C&,kA]~VT qh1*/iiG腶4eR? 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