nss-3.28.4-11.el7_4$>4/D)mt؏r><?d   0hl |8   (         T[T;@;<;(8R9$R:bR>@GHI`Xt[Y[\h]^bdefltuv` wDxyCnss3.28.411.el7_4Network Security ServicesNetwork Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. Applications built with NSS can support SSL v2 and v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509 v3 certificates, and other security standards.Yz5c1bm.rdu2.centos.org&-ECentOSMPLv2.0CentOS BuildSystem System Environment/Librarieshttp://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/linuxx86_64# If we upgrade, and the shared filename is a regular file, then we must # remove it, before we can install the alternatives symbolic link. if [ $1 -gt 1 ] ; then # when upgrading or downgrading if ! test -L /usr/lib64/libnssckbi.so; then rm -f /usr/lib64/libnssckbi.so fi fi # Install the symbolic link # FYI: Certain other packages use alternatives --set to enforce that the first # installed package is preferred. We don't do that. Highest priority wins. /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --install /usr/lib64/libnssckbi.so \ libnssckbi.so.x86_64 /usr/lib64/nss/libnssckbi.so 10 /sbin/ldconfigif [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then # package removal /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove libnssckbi.so.x86_64 /usr/lib64/nss/libnssckbi.so else # upgrade or downgrade # If the new installed package uses a regular file (not a symblic link), # then cleanup the alternatives link. if ! test -L /usr/lib64/libnssckbi.so; then /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --remove libnssckbi.so.x86_64 /usr/lib64/nss/libnssckbi.so fi fi /sbin/ldconfiga$@,@߈ UR@V`VpV'~@U6@U6@UAU@UUUݪ@UUȒ@UU@U'U3@UUx&Ux&Uq@U?v@U8U0U-@U'@U:TTq@TTto@Td@T)IS@S@Sہ@S@SnS@RJ@RRUR۾@R۾@R@R@Rx@RΏ@RkR@R;RiR@Rz/@Rv:Rt@RrF@Ro@Ro@RnQRe@RW@RSR@QQQ@QKQ@QQW@Q'@Qq1QNQ9Q7/Q#@QQ @P!@PՠP @PqP@P@PAPXPd@Pd@PPP@PP5@PPnP;a@P(@P H@O;O;O@OiO@O@O}O~OiOYOX@OOdO&@O!@@OO@O@N>@N>@NNܲ@N`NؽNN@NuN;@Np@Nf @NA!@N*NpM@MWMc@MM@M@MMfH@M^_@MZjMS@MQ0@MQ0@MQ0@MQ0@MK@MGMF@M6@M-MM@Ls@LOLLZ@L6LdL@L*@L@LA@LL@L4Lx@Lx@Li(@Lf@L_L_LT@L0L0L K @KsKsKKCKCKCK]KMKLd@KD{@K<@K5K4@K,@K+nK*@K K@K@K@KJݦ@J - 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3.11-3.1Ray Strode 3.11-3Christopher Aillon 3.11-2Christopher Aillon 3.11-1Christopher Aillon 3.11-0.cvs.2Christopher Aillon 3.11-0.cvsKai Engert Rob Crittenden 3.10-1- Rebuild to get correct release suffix (.el7 -> .el7_4)- Work around yum crash due to new NSPR symbol being used in nss-sysinit, patch by Kai Engert- Fix typo in nss-sni-c-v-fix.patch- Include CKBI 2.14 and updated CA constraints from NSS 3.28.5- Update nss-pk12util.patch to include fix from mozbz#1353724.- Update nss-alert-handler.patch with the upstream fix from mozbz#1360207.- Fix zero-length record treatment for stream ciphers and SSLv2- Correctly set policy file location when building- Reorder ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher suites, as suggested in: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1373158#c9- Rebase to NSS 3.28.4 - Update nss-pk12util.patch with backport of mozbz#1353325- Switch default hash algorithm used by tools from SHA-1 to SHA-256 - Avoid race condition in nssSlot_IsTokenPresent() - Enable SHA-2 and AES in pk12util - Disable RSA-PSS for now- Utilize CKA_NSS_MOZILLA_CA_POLICY attribute, patch by Kai Engert - Backport changes adding SSL alert callbacks from upstream - Add nss-check-policy-file.patch from Fedora - Install policy config in /etc/pki/nss-legacy/nss-rhel7.config- Make sure 32bit nss-pem always be installed with 32bit nss in multlib environment, patch by Kamil Dudka - Enable new algorithms supported by the new nss-softokn- Rebase to NSS 3.28.3 - Bump required version of nss-softokn- Remove %nss_cycles setting, which was also mistakenly added - Re-enable BUILD_OPT, mistakenly disabled in the previous build - Prevent ABI incompatibilty of SECKEYECPublicKey - Disable TLS_ECDHE_{RSA,ECDSA}_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 by default - Enable 4 AES_256_GCM_SHA384 ciphersuites, enabled by the downstream patch in the previous release - Fix crash with tstclnt -W - Always enable gtests for supported features - Add patch to fix bash syntax error in tests/ssl.sh - Build with support for SSLKEYLOGFILE - Disable the use of RSA-PSS with SSL/TLS- Decouple nss-pem from the nss package - Resolves: #1316546- Remove mistakenly added R: nss-pem- Rebase to NSS 3.28.2 - Remove NSS_ENABLE_ECC and NSS_ECC_MORE_THAN_SUITE_B setting, which is no-op now - Enable gtests when requested - Remove nss-646045.patch and fix-nss-test-filtering.patch, which are not necessary - Remove sslauth-no-v2.patch and nss-sslstress-txt-ssl3-lower-value-in-range.patch, as SSLv2 is already disabled in upstream - Remove ssl-server-min-key-sizes.patch, as we decided to support DH key size greater than 1023 bits - Remove local patches for SHA384 cipher suites (now supported in upstream): dhe-sha384-dss-support.patch, client_auth_for_sha384_prf_support.patch, nss-fix-client-auth-init-hashes.patch, nss-map-oid-to-hashalg.patch, nss-enable-384-cipher-tests.patch, nss-fix-signature-and-hash.patch, fix-allowed-sig-alg.patch, tests-extra.patch - Remove upstreamed patches: rh1238290.patch, fix-reuse-of-session-cache-entry.patch, flexible-certverify.patch, call-restartmodules-in-nssinit.patch- Rebase to NSS 3.21.3 - Resolves: #1383887- remove additional false duplicates from sha384 downstream patches- enable ssl_gtests (without extended master secret tests), Bug 1298692 - call SECMOD_RestartModules in nss_Init, Bug 1317691- escape all percent characters in all changelog comments- Support TLS 1.2 certificate_verify hashes other than PRF, backported fix from NSS 3.25 (upstream bug 1179338).- Fix reuse of session cache entry - Resolves: Bug 1241172 - Certificate verification fails with multiple https urls- Fix a flaw in %check for nss not building on arm - Resolves: Bug 1200856- Cleanup: Remove unnecessary %posttrans script from nss.spec - Resolves: Bug 1174201- Merge fixes from the rhel-7.2 branch - Fix a bogus %changelog entry - Resolves: Bug 1297941- Rebuild to require the latest nss-util build and nss-softokn build.- Update the minimum nss-softokn build required at runtime.- Delete duplicates from one table- Fix missing support for sha384/dsa in certificate_request- Merge fixes from the rhel-7.2 branch - Fix the SigAlgs sent in certificate_request - Ensure all ssl.sh tests are executed - Update sslauth test patch to run additional tests- Fix sha384 support and testing patches- Rebase to NSS-3.21- Prevent TLS 1.2 Transcript Collision attacks against MD5 in key exchange protocol - Fix a mockbuild reported bad %if condition when using the __isa_bits macro instead of list of 64-bit architectures - Change the test to %if 0%{__isa_bits} == 64 as required for building the srpm which is noarch - Resolves: Bug 1289884- Rebuild against updated NSPR- Change the required_softokn_build_version back to -13 - Ensure we use nss-softokn- Fix check for public key size of DSA certificates - Use size of prime P not the size of dsa.publicValue- Reorder the cipher suites and enable two more by default- Update the required_softokn_build_version to -14 - Add references to bugs filed upstream for new patches - Merge ocsp stapling and sslauth sni tests patches into one- Reorder the cipher suites and enable two more by default - Fix some of the ssauth sni and ocsp stapling tests- Support TLS > 1.0 by support while still allowing to connect to SSL3 only servers - Enable ECDSA cipher suites by default, a subset of the ones requested- Support TLS > 1.0 by support while still allowing to connect to SSL3 only servers- Fix to correctly report integrity mechanism for TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384- Fix checks to skip ssl2/export cipher suites tests to not skip needed tests - Fix libssl ssl2/export disabling patch to handle NULL cipher cases - Enable additional cipher suites by default- Add links to filed upstream bugs to better track patches in spec file- Package listsuites as part of the unsupported tools- Bump the release tag- Incremental patches to fix SSL/TLS test suite execution, fix the earlier SHA384 patch, and inform clients to use SHA384 with certificate_verify if required by NSS.- Add support for sha384 tls cipher suites - Add support for server-side hde key exchange - Add support for DSS+SHA256 ciphersuites- Reenable a patch that had been mistakenly disabled- Build against nss-softokn- Rebase to nss-3.19.1 - Resolves: Bug 1228913 - Rebase to nss-3.19.1 for CVE-2015-4000 [RHEL-7.1]- Backport mozbz#1155922 to support SHA512 signatures with TLS 1.2- Update to CKBI 2.4 from NSS 3.18.1 (the only change in NSS 3.18.1)- Update and reeneable nss-646045.patch on account of the rebase - Resolves: Bug 1200898 - Rebase nss to 3.18 for Firefox 38 ESR [RHEL7.1]- Fix shell syntax error on nss/tests/all.sh - Resolves: Bug 1200898 - Rebase nss to 3.18 for Firefox 38 ESR [RHEL7.1]- Replace expired PayPal test certificate that breaks the build - Resolves: Bug 1200898 - Rebase nss to 3.18 for Firefox 38 ESR [RHEL7.1]- Resolves: Bug 1200898 - Rebase nss to 3.18 for Firefox 38 ESR [RHEL7.1]- Reverse the sense of a test in patch to fix pk12util segfault - Resolves: Bug 1174527 - Segfault in pk12util when using -l option with certain .p12 files- Fix race condition - Resolves: Bug 1094468 - 389-ds-base server reported crash in stan_GetCERTCertificate - under the replication replay failure condition- Resolves: Bug 1174527 - Segfault in pk12util when using -l option with certain .p12 files- Restore patch for certutil man page - supply missing options descriptions - Resolves: Bug 1158161 - Upgrade to NSS for Firefox 31.3- Resolves: Bug 1158161 - Upgrade to NSS for Firefox 31.3 - Support TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV in tstclnt and ssltap- Resolves: Bug 1145434 - CVE-2014-1568 - Using a release number higher than on rhel-7.0 branch- Fix crash in stan_GetCERTCertificate - Resolves: Bug 1094468- Generic 32/64 bit platform detection (fix ppc64le build) - Resolves: Bug 1125619 - nss fails to build on arch: ppc64le (missing dependencies) - Fix contributed by Peter Robinson - Fix libssl and test patches that disable ssl2 support - Resolves: Bug 1123435 - Replace expired PayPal test certificate with current one- Rebase to nss-3.16.2 - Resolves: Bug 1103252 - Rebase RHEL 7.1 to at least NSS 3.16.1 (FF 31) - Fix test failure detection in the %check section - Move removal of unwanted source directories to the end of the %prep section - Update various patches on account of the rebase - Remove unused patches rendered obsolete by the rebase- Disallow disabling the internal module - Resolves: Bug 1056036 - nss segfaults with opencryptoki module- Pick up a fix from rhel-6 and fix an rpm conflict - Don't hold issuer cert handles in crl cache - Resolves: Bug 1034409 - deadlock in trust domain and object lock - Move nss shared db files to the main package - Resolves: Bug 1050163 - Same files in two packages create rpm conflict- Update pem sources to latest from nss-pem upstream - Pick up pem module fixes verified on RHEL and applied upstream - Remove no loger needed pem patches on acccount on this update - Add comments documenting the iquote.patch - Resolves: Bug 1054457 - CVE-2013-1740- Remove spurious man5 wildcard entry as all manpages are listed by name - Resolves: Bug 1050163 - Same files in two packages create rpm conflict- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- Rebase to nss-3.15.4 - Resolves: Bug 1054457 - CVE-2013-1740 nss: false start PR_Recv information disclosure security issue - Remove no longer needed patches for manpages that were applied upstream - Remove no longer needed patch to disable ocsp stapling tests - Update iquote.patch on account of upstream changes - Update and rename patch to pem/rsawrapr.c on account of upstream changes - Use the pristine upstream sources for nss without repackaging - Avoid unneeded manual step which may introduce errors- Fix the spec file to apply the nss ecc list patch for bug 752980 - Resolves: Bug 752980 - Support ECDSA algorithm in the nss package via puggable ecc- Move several nss-sysinit manpages tar archives to the %files - Resolves: Bug 1050163 - Same files in two packages create rpm conflict- Fix a coverity scan compile time warning for the pem module - Resolves: Bug 1002271 - NSS pem module should not require unique base file names- Resolves: Bug 1002271 - NSS pem module should not require unique base file names- Improve pluggable ECC support for ECDSA - Resolves: Bug 752980 - [7.0 FEAT] Support ECDSA algorithm in the nss package- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- Revoke trust in one mis-issued anssi certificate - Resolves: Bug 1040284 - nss: Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate (MFSA 2013-117) [rhel-7.0]- Update to NSS_3_15_3_RTM - Resolves: Bug 1031463 - CVE-2013-5605 CVE-2013-5606 CVE-2013-1741- Fix path to script and remove -- from some options in nss-sysinit man page - Resolves: rhbz#982723 - man page of nss-sysinit worong path and other flaws- Fix certutil man page options names to be consistent with help - Resolves: rhbz#948495 - man page scan results for nss - Remove incorrect count argument in status description in nss-sysinit man page - Resolves: rhbz#982723 - man page of nss-sysinit incorrect option descriptions- Fix patch for disabling ssl2 in ssl to correctly set error code - Fix syntax error reported in the build.log even tough it succeeds - Add patch top ignore setpolicy result - Resolves: rhbz#1001841 - Disable SSL2 and the export cipher suites - Resolves: rhbz#1026677 - Attempt to run ipa-client-install fails- Fix bash syntax error in patch for disabling ssl2 tests - Resolves: rhbz#1001841 - Disable SSL2 and the export cipher suites- Fix errors in ssl disabling patches for both library and tests - Add s390x to the multilib_arches definition used for alt_ckbi - Resolves: rhbz#1001841 - Disable SSL2 and the export cipher suites- Fix errors in nss-sysinit manpage options descriptions - Resolves: rhbz#982723- Enable fips when system is in fips mode - Resolves: rhbz#852023 - FIPS mode detection does not work- Remove unused and obsoleted patches - Related: rhbz#1012656- Add description of the certutil's --email option to it's manpage - Resolves: rhbz#Bug 948495 - Man page scan results for nss- Rebase to nss-3.15.2 - Resolves: rhbz#1012656 - pick up NSS 3.15.2 to fix CVE-2013-1739 and disable MD5 in OCSP/CRL- Install symlink to nss-sysinit.sh without the .sh suffix - Resolves: rhbz#982723 - nss-sysinit man page has wrong path for the script- Resolves: rhbz#1001841 - Disable SSL2 and the export cipher suites- Add upstream bug URL for a patch subitted upstream and remove obsolete script- Update to NSS_3_15_1_RTM - Apply various fixes to the man pages and add new ones - Enable the iquote.patch to access newly introduced types - Add man page for pkcs11.txt configuration file and cert and key databases - Add missing option descriptions for {cert|cms|crl}util - Resolves: rhbz#948495 - Man page scan results for nss - Resolves: rhbz#982723 - Fix path to script in man page for nss-sysinit- Use the unstripped source tar ball- Install man pages for nss-tools and the nss-config and setup-nsssysinit scripts - Resolves: rhbz#606020 - nss security tools lack man pages- Build nss without softoken or util sources in the tree - Resolves: rhbz#689918- Update ssl-cbc-random-iv-by-default.patch- Fix generation of NSS_VMAJOR, NSS_VMINOR, and NSS_VPATCH for nss-config- Update to NSS_3_15_RTM- Reactivate nss-ssl-cbc-random-iv-off-by-default.patch- Add upstream patch to fix rhbz#872761- Update expired test certificates (fixed in upstream bug 852781)- Fix incorrect post/postun scripts. Fix broken links in posttrans.- Configure libnssckbi.so to use the alternatives system in order to prepare for a drop in replacement.- Update to NSS_3_14_3_RTM - sync up pem rsawrapr.c with softoken upstream changes for nss-3.14.3 - Resolves: rhbz#908257 - CVE-2013-1620 nss: TLS CBC padding timing attack - Resolves: rhbz#896651 - PEM module trashes private keys if login fails - Resolves: rhbz#909775 - specfile support for AArch64 - Resolves: rhbz#910584 - certutil -a does not produce ASCII output- Allow building nss against older system sqlite- Update to NSS_3_14_2_RTM- Update to NSS_3_14_1_WITH_CKBI_1_93_RTM- Require nspr >= 4.9.4 - Fix changelog invalid dates- Update to NSS_3_14_1_RTM- Bug 879978 - Install the nssck.api header template where mod_revocator can access it - Install nssck.api in /usr/includes/nss3/templates- Bug 879978 - Install the nssck.api header template in a place where mod_revocator can access it - Install nssck.api in /usr/includes/nss3- Bug 870864 - Add support in NSS for Secure Boot- Disable bypass code at build time and return failure on attempts to enable at runtime - Bug 806588 - Disable SSL PKCS #11 bypass at build time- Fix pk11wrap locking which fixes 'fedpkg new-sources' and 'fedpkg update' hangs - Bug 872124 - nss-3.14 breaks fedpkg new-sources - Fix should be considered preliminary since the patch may change upon upstream approval- Add a dummy source file for testing /preventing fedpkg breakage - Helps test the fedpkg new-sources and upload commands for breakage by nss updates - Related to Bug 872124 - nss 3.14 breaks fedpkg new-sources- Fix a previous unwanted merge from f18 - Update the SS_SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV patch to match new sources while - Keeping the patch disabled while we are still in rawhide and - State in comment that patch is needed for both stable and beta branches - Update .gitignore to download only the new sources- Fix the spec file so sechash.h gets installed - Resolves: rhbz#871882 - missing header: sechash.h in nss 3.14- Update the license to MPLv2.0- Use only -f when removing unwanted headers- Add secmodt.h to the headers installed by nss-devel - nss-devel must install secmodt.h which moved from softoken to pk11wrap with nss-3.14- Update to NSS_3_14_RTM- Update to NSS_3_14_RC1 - update nss-589636.patch to apply to httpdserv - turn off ocsp tests for now - remove no longer needed patches - remove headers shipped by nss-util- Update to NSS_3_13_6_RTM- Rebase pem sources to fedora-hosted upstream to pick up two fixes from rhel-6.3 - Resolves: rhbz#847460 - Fix invalid read and free on invalid cert load - Resolves: rhbz#847462 - PEM module may attempt to free uninitialized pointer - Remove unneeded fix gcc 4.7 c++ issue in secmodt.h that actually undoes the upstream fix- Fix pluggable ecc support- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- Fix checkin comment to prevent unwanted expansions of percents- Resolves: Bug 830410 - Missing Requires %{?_isa} - Use Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} on tools - Drop zlib requires which rpmlint reports as error E: explicit-lib-dependency zlib - Enable sha224 portion of powerup selftest when running test suites - Require nspr 4.9.1- Resolves: rhbz#833529 - revert unwanted change to nss.pc.in- Resolves: rhbz#833529 - Remove unwanted space from the Libs: line on nss.pc.in- Update to NSS_3_13_5_RTM- Resolves: Bug 812423 - nss_Init leaks memory, fix from RHEL 6.3- Resolves: Bug 805723 - Library needs partial RELRO support added - Patch coreconf/Linux.mk as done on RHEL 6.2- Update to NSS_3_13_4_RTM - Update the nss-pem source archive to the latest version - Remove no longer needed patches - Resolves: Bug 806043 - use pem files interchangeably in a single process - Resolves: Bug 806051 - PEM various flaws detected by Coverity - Resolves: Bug 806058 - PEM pem_CreateObject leaks memory given a non-existing file name- Resolves: Bug 805723 - Library needs partial RELRO support added- Cleanup of the spec file - Add references to the upstream bugs - Fix typo in Summary for sysinit- Pick up fixes from RHEL - Resolves: rhbz#800674 - Unable to contact LDAP Server during winsync - Resolves: rhbz#800682 - Qpid AMQP daemon fails to load after nss update - Resolves: rhbz#800676 - NSS workaround for freebl bug that causes openswan to drop connections- Update to NSS_3_13_3_RTM- fix issue with gcc 4.7 in secmodt.h and C++11 user-defined literals- Resolves: Bug 784672 - nss should protect against being called before nss_Init- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- Deactivate a patch currently meant for stable branches only- Resolves: Bug 770682 - nss update breaks pidgin-sipe connectivity - NSS_SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV set to 0 by default and changed to 1 on user request- Revert to using current nss_softokn_version - Patch to deal with lack of sha224 is no longer needed- Resolves: Bug 754771 - [PEM] an unregistered callback causes a SIGSEGV- Resolves: Bug 750376 - nss 3.13 breaks sssd TLS - Fix how pem is built so that nss-3.13.x works with nss-softokn-3.12.y - Only patch blapitest for the lack of sha224 on system freebl - Completed the patch to make pem link against system freebl- Removed unwanted /usr/include/nss3 in front of the normal cflags include path - Removed unnecessary patch dealing with CERTDB_TERMINAL_RECORD, it's visible- Statically link the pem module against system freebl found in buildroot - Disabling sha224-related powerup selftest until we update softokn - Disable sha224 and pss tests which nss-softokn 3.12.x doesn't support- Rebuild with nss-softokn from 3.12 in the buildroot - Allows the pem module to statically link against 3.12.x freebl - Required for using nss-3.13.x with nss-softokn-3.12.y for a merge inrto rhel git repo - Build will be temprarily placed on buildroot override but not pushed in bodhi- Fix broken dependencies by updating the nss-util and nss-softokn versions- Update to NSS_3_13_1_RTM - Update builtin certs to those from NSSCKBI_1_88_RTM- Update to NSS_3_13_RTM- Update to NSS_3_13_RC0- Fix attempt to free initilized pointer (#717338) - Fix leak on pem_CreateObject when given non-existing file name (#734760) - Fix pem_Initialize to return CKR_CANT_LOCK on multi-treaded calls (#736410)- Update builtins certs to those from NSSCKBI_1_87_RTM- Update to NSS_3_12_11_RTM- Indicate the provenance of stripped source tarball (#688015)- Provide virtual -static package to meet guidelines (#609612).- Enable pluggable ecc support (#712556) - Disable the nssdb write-access-on-read-only-dir tests when user is root (#646045)- make the testsuite non fatal on arm arches- Fix crmf hard-coded maximum size for wrapped private keys (#703656)- Update to NSS_3_12_10_RTM- Update to NSS_3_12_10_BETA1- Implement PEM logging using NSPR's own (#695011)- Update to NSS_3.12.9_WITH_CKBI_1_82_RTM- Short-term fix for ssl test suites hangs on ipv6 type connections (#539183)- Add a missing requires for pkcs11-devel (#675196)- Run the test suites in the check section (#677809)- Fix cms headers to not use c++ reserved words (#676036) - Reenabling Bug 499444 patches - Fix to swap internal key slot on fips mode switches- Revert patches for 499444 until all c++ reserved words are found and extirpated- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- Fix cms header to not use c++ reserved word (#676036) - Reenable patches for bug 499444- Revert patches for 499444 as they use a C++ reserved word and cause compilation of Firefox to fail- Fix the earlier infinite recursion patch (#499444) - Remove a header that now nss-softokn-freebl-devel ships- Fix infinite recursion when encoding NSS enveloped/digested data (#499444)- Update the cacert trust patch per upstream review requests (#633043)- Fix to honor the user's cert trust preferences (#633043) - Remove obsoleted patch- Update to 3.12.9- Rebuilt according to fedora pre-release package naming guidelines- Update to NSS_3_12_9_BETA2 - Fix libpnsspem crash when cacert dir contains other directories (#642433)- Update to NSS_3_12_9_BETA1- Update pem source tar with fixes for 614532 and 596674 - Remove no longer needed patches- Update PayPalEE.cert test certificate which had expired- Tell rpm not to verify md5, size, and modtime of configurations file- Fix certificates trust order (#643134) - Apply nss-sysinit-userdb-first.patch last- Move triggerpostun -n nss-sysinit script ahead of the other ones (#639248)- Fix invalid %postun scriptlet (#639248)- Replace posttrans sysinit scriptlet with a triggerpostun one (#636787) - Fix and cleanup the setup-nsssysinit.sh script (#636792, #636801)- Add posttrans scriptlet (#636787)- Update to 3.12.8 - Prevent disabling of nss-sysinit on package upgrade (#636787) - Create pkcs11.txt with correct permissions regardless of umask (#636792) - Setup-nsssysinit.sh reports whether nss-sysinit is turned on or off (#636801) - Added provides pkcs11-devel-static to comply with packaging guidelines (#609612)- NSS 3.12.8 RC0- Fix nss-util_version and nss_softokn_version required to be NSS 3.12.8 Beta3 - Fix unclosed comment in renegotiate-transitional.patch- Change BuildRequries to available version of nss-util-devel- Define NSS_USE_SYSTEM_SQLITE and remove unneeded patch - Add comments regarding an unversioned provides which triggers rpmlint warning - Build requires nss-softokn-devel >= 3.12.7- Update to 3.12.7- Apply the patches to fix rhbz#614532- Removed pem sourecs as they are in the cache- Add support for PKCS#8 encoded PEM RSA private key files (#614532)- Fix nsssysinit to return userdb ahead of systemdb (#603313)- Require and BuildRequire >= the listed version not =- Require nss-softoken 3.12.6- Fix SIGSEGV within CreateObject (#596674)- Update pem source tar to pick up the following bug fixes: - PEM - Allow collect objects to search through all objects - PEM - Make CopyObject return a new shallow copy - PEM - Fix memory leak in pem_mdCryptoOperationRSAPriv- Update the test cert in the setup phase- Add sed to sysinit requires as setup-nsssysinit.sh requires it (#576071) - Update PayPalEE test cert with unexpired one (#580207)- Fix ns.spec to not require nss-softokn (#575001)- rebuilt with all tests enabled- Using SSL_RENEGOTIATE_TRANSITIONAL as default while on transition period - Disabling ssl tests suites until bug 539183 is resolved- Update to 3.12.6 - Reactivate all tests - Patch tools to validate command line options arguments- Fix curl related regression and general patch code clean up- retagging- Fix SIGSEGV on call of NSS_Initialize (#553638)- New version of patch to allow root to modify ystem database (#547860)- Temporarily disabling the ssl tests- Fix nsssysinit to allow root to modify the nss system database (#547860)- Fix an error introduced when adapting the patch for rhbz #546211- Remove left over trace statements from nsssysinit patching- Fix a misconstructed patch- Fix nsssysinit to enable apps to use system cert store, patch contributed by David Woodhouse (#546221) - Fix spec so sysinit requires coreutils for post install scriplet (#547067) - Fix segmentation fault when listing keys or certs in the database, patch contributed by Kamil Dudka (#540387)- Fix nsssysinit to set the default flags on the crypto module (#545779) - Remove redundant header from the pem module- Remove unneeded patch- Retagging to include missing patch- Update to 3.12.5 - Patch to allow ssl/tls clients to interoperate with servers that require renogiation- Retagging- Require nss-softoken of same architecture as nss (#527867) - Merge setup-nsssysinit.sh improvements from F-12 (#527051)- User no longer prompted for a password when listing keys an empty system db (#527048) - Fix setup-nsssysinit to handle more general formats (#527051)- Fix syntax error in setup-nsssysinit.sh- Fix sysinit to be under mozilla/security/nss/lib- Add nss-sysinit activation/deactivation script- Install blank databases and configuration file for system shared database - nsssysinit queries system for fips mode before relying on environment variable- Restoring nssutil and -rpath-link to nss-config for now - 522477- Add the nss-sysinit subpackage- Installing shared libraries to %{_libdir}- Retagging to pick up new sources- Update pem enabling source tar with latest fixes (509705, 51209)- PEM module implements memory management for internal objects - 509705 - PEM module doesn't crash when processing malformed key files - 512019- Remove symbolic links to shared libraries from devel - 521155 - No rpath-link in nss-softokn-config- Update to 3.12.4- Fix FORTIFY_SOURCE buffer overflows in test suite on ppc and ppc64 - bug 519766 - Fixed requires and buildrequires as per recommendations in spec file review- Restoring patches 2 and 7 as we still compile all sources - Applying the nss-nolocalsql.patch solves nss-tools sqlite dependency problems- restore require sqlite- Don't require sqlite for nss- Ensure versions in the requires match those used when creating nss.pc- Remove nss-prelink.conf as signed all shared libraries moved to nss-softokn - Add a temprary hack to nss.pc.in to unblock builds- caolan's nss.pc patch- Bump the release number for a chained build of nss-util, nss-softokn and nss- Fix nss-config not to include nssutil - Add BuildRequires on nss-softokn and nss-util since build also runs the test suite- disabling all tests while we investigate a buffer overflow bug- disabling some tests while we investigate a buffer overflow bug - 519766- remove patches that are now in nss-softokn and - remove spurious exec-permissions for nss.pc per rpmlint - single requires line in nss.pc.in- Fix BuildRequires: nss-softokn-devel release number- fix nss.pc.in to have one single requires line- cleanups for softokn- remove the softokn subpackages- don install the nss-util pkgconfig bits- remove from -devel the 3 headers that ship in nss-util-devel- kill off the nss-util nss-util-devel subpackages- split off nss-softokn and nss-util as subpackages with their own rpms - first phase of splitting nss-softokn and nss-util as their own packages- must install libnssutil3.since nss-util is untagged at the moment - preserve time stamps when installing various files- dont install libnssutil3.so since its now in nss-util- Fix spec file problems uncovered by Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- removed two patch files which are no longer needed and fixed previous change log number- updated pem module incorporates various patches - fix off-by-one error when computing size to reduce memory leak. (483855) - fix data type to work on x86_64 systems. (429175) - fix various memory leaks and free internal objects on module unload. (501080) - fix to not clone internal objects in collect_objects(). (501118) - fix to not bypass initialization if module arguments are omitted. (501058) - fix numerous gcc warnings. (500815) - fix to support arbitrarily long password while loading a private key. (500180) - fix memory leak in make_key and memory leaks and return values in pem_mdSession_Login (501191)- add patch for bug 502133 upstream bug 496997- rebuild with higher release number for upgrade sanity- updated to NSS_3_12_4_FIPS1_WITH_CKBI_1_75- re-enable test suite - add patch for upstream bug 488646 and add newer paypal certs in order to make the test suite pass- add conflicts info in order to fix bug 499436- ship .chk files instead of running shlibsign at install time - include .chk file in softokn-freebl subpackage - add patch for upstream nss bug 488350- Update to NSS 3.12.3- temporarily disable the test suite because of bug 494266- fix softokn-freebl dependency for multilib (bug 494122)- introduce separate nss-softokn-freebl package- disable execstack when building freebl- add upstream patch to fix bug 483855- build nspr-less freebl library- Update to NSS_3_12_3_BETA4- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- update to NSS_3_12_2_RC1 - use system zlib- add sparc64 to the list of 64 bit arches- bug 456847, move pkgconfig requirement to devel package- Update to NSS_3_12_1_RC2- NSS 3.12.1 RC1- fix bug bug 429175 in libpem module- bug 456847, add Requires: pkgconfig- nss package should own /etc/prelink.conf.d folder, rhbz#452062 - use upstream patch to fix test suite abort- Update to NSS_3_12_RC4- Update to NSS_3_12_RC2- Zapping old Obsoletes/Provides. No longer needed, causes multilib headache.- Update to NSS_3_12_BETA3- NSS 3.12 Beta 2 - Use /usr/lib{64} as devel libdir, create symbolic links.- Apply upstream patch for bug 417664, enable test suite on pcc.- Support concurrent runs of the test suite on a single build host.- disable test suite on ppc- disable test suite on ppc64- Build against gcc 4.3.0, use workaround for bug 432146 - Run the test suite after the build and abort on failures.* NSS 3.12 Beta 1- move .so files to /lib- NSS 3.12 alpha 2b- upstream patches to avoid calling netstat for random data- NSS 3.12 alpha 2- Add /etc/prelink.conf.d/nss-prelink.conf in order to blacklist our signed libraries and protect them from modification.- Fix off-by-one error in the PEM module- fix a C++ mode compilation error- Add 3.12 ckfw and libnsspem- Updated license tag- Ensure the workaround for mozilla bug 51429 really get's built.- Better approach to ship freebl/softokn based on 3.11.5 - Remove link time dependency on softokn- Fix unowned directories, rhbz#233890- Update to 3.11.7, but freebl/softokn remain at 3.11.5. - Use a workaround to avoid mozilla bug 51429.- Fix rhbz#230545, failure to enable FIPS mode - Fix rhbz#220542, make NSS more tolerant of resets when in the middle of prompting for a user password.- Update to 3.11.5 - This update fixes two security vulnerabilities with SSL 2 - Do not use -rpath link option - Added several unsupported tools to tools package- disable ECC, cleanout dead code- Update to 3.11.4- Revert the attempt to require latest NSPR, as it is not yet available in the build infrastructure.- Update to 3.11.3- Add /etc/pki/nssdb- rebuild- Update to 3.11.2 - Enable executable bit on shared libs, also fixes debug info.- Enable Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)- Update to 3.11.1 - Include upstream patch to limit curves- add --noexecstack when compiling assembler on x86_64- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- rebuild- Update file list for the devel packages- Update to 3.11- Add patch to allow building on ppc* - Update the pkgconfig file to Require nspr- Initial import into Fedora Core, based on a CVS snapshot of the NSS_3_11_RTM tag - Fix up the pkcs11-devel subpackage to contain the proper headers - Build with RPM_OPT_FLAGS - No need to have rpath of /usr/lib in the pc file- Adressed review comments by Wan-Teh Chang, Bob Relyea, Christopher Aillon.- Initial build/bin/sh/bin/sh 3.28.4-11.el7_43.28.4-11.el7_43.28.4-11.el7_4nss-legacynss-rhel7.confignssdbcert8.dbcert9.dbkey3.dbkey4.dbpkcs11.txtsecmod.dblibnss3.solibnssckbi.solibsmime3.solibssl3.solibnssckbi.socert8.db.5.gzcert9.db.5.gzkey3.db.5.gzkey4.db.5.gzpkcs11.txt.5.gzsecmod.db.5.gz/etc/pki//etc/pki/nss-legacy//etc/pki/nssdb//usr/lib64//usr/lib64/nss//usr/share/man/man5/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu directoryASCII textBerkeley DB 1.85 (Hash, version 2, native byte-order)ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f5ac0cd5031e4f8a1ddf38cb9eedce3d2b12fca2, strippedemptyELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=007cd03e03b51795e5499a88cd670b85061fa226, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a5ec8f3a4bed5873f94b4418bf732fc208dd0c55, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d92c1905846f0bab298c886fb0ab5bbc1e03b771, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)BnB,< PPP"P#P%P&P'P(P)P*P+P,P-PPPPPPPP P P P PPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPP P!P$PRRR R RR%R*R$R&R)R+R'R#R"R,R-R R.R RR9P8P9P:P;PP?P@PAPBP1P3P2P4P5P6P7P0RR RR#RRRRRRR R!RRRRR R"R,R-R R.R RR9PMPNPWPXPDPEPGPFPHPIPJPKPLPOPPPQPRPSPTPUPVPCRR R RR/R%R$R+R(R#RRRRRRRR RRR!RRRRRRRR R"R,R-R R.R RR0R9P/P.RRR R,R-R R.R RR9?@7zXZ !PH6\-$]"k%LÍv46\+uMK9觺V)Cq&ų.I^/֘O7yŒ\| 액 EpTM\;e՚+#KS8ŇgF5J82P]8c9]bSnCGcLVD1Y%6>8%g˺kiZͻ'ujg?μ:OC?b#تr1ZhFYLtGy$H*L'U;.r '&|#[bՔg/"YmšDbNZ> cd^|&Ib߸c6e1-/Xw ;YI*0五&UO$^sQdȅnRR{玬 pT 95tc-_$[W$v$@@N˿M->u W3es:g>Nrbߺ(V\DLn|`4 2OI"n3/=RI-oAåVDj̥ !-6p \G]Sa &|}.>``644޻}[.S 7$"M;Z3XqǃDG>yxp1⑷CA_tw?Ŷꉭd:ܡ|t'r|DڭCʼn)6OB3Qqz1 ÀUsO5C f~W }r`'XbS/CRFgXYؼTp'X3A!+!݆b߯+/9\EX&Xm/0רAS./:Tl=VL-[5x UI6<ٰý,3|6PC[˿(t4&4+Zc5Qocd?Q!O| C#W`D]N7xc>xH7 #aJzc;V'WSKR#]`" pM$ ҳ>Y$(B$~;0萤U+%1 eq;tf+9ƪh̽õ'JPOidCdKYE(y *it0ϱ2 .̞ђ5-/|̀dI{JE2r\h ,$cTsI85U,wG1c'%=. 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