quagga-contrib-$>JV[|&qO^F>8@?@d # <|   @  T  h         0T |  i (8f90f:fG= H=8 I=` X=lY=t\= ]= ^>/b>d?\e?af?dl?ft? u? v?w@\ x@ y@@Cquagga-contrib0.99.22.45.el7_4Contrib tools for quaggaContributed/3rd party tools which may be of use with quagga.ZFx86_64_01.bsys.centos.orgCentOSGPLv2+CentOS BuildSystem System Environment/Daemonshttp://www.quagga.netlinuxx86_64F># 4 AAZFPTPTR'~PTQQPQPQPPT938b7ddc8351da8e7fa22f5e3190b474a916dac0d97e6e942604a40087e6334791df39d1816bfb17a4dda2d3d2c83b1f6f2d38d53e53e41e8f97ad5ac46a0cad0b407f5d4321ac7f4e638d3f5acaf927ae72c9c088d8e971fd13e15fbe0ca1215864e047b8b63f5089d1f07ccbf44e189510b54469450bcf86d051717956525b1ab83ab10e84e591a50dcd4bc99d8c75d3fa057fe3d0e9390c0c69b09be8620f5eb81f5b73daf75be59fcec81b5e0f657797b9d6a3e3382bb3fb29a524b724c0b2be371671afdb5053a0d5a8691ca6cce259faedb573326afc0a3d42e5eaa6ce37f463190070e363d8ef6ee5e6987c1063a35eefa920a96dc37fb798e6513520rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootquagga- @@    /usr/bin/env/usr/bin/perlperlperl(Getopt::Std)perl(POSIX)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)0:5.0023.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.11.3Z@RRURkR2@QQQQޞ@Q@@QQyQ@QJQQq1QQQ$QPO@OЗOs@OaOn@N@N@Nj@N@N]NLN6@N%qN%qNMd@MVMlMMQ0@Ls@L@LΫL|LEL;L,@L%@K@K^@JTJ0@JlE@J\s@JII2IcGH|@HO@G΋@G8G@G,@G8@@Fl@FwFF:@F XE@D@D_2D@C@CCqCV5@CB@BQ,@B-AW@A@AAAk@Af@Ac@A@E@@@Dw@@,@@,@?C@?6?n@?n@?KK?B@?:(@Ondřej Lysoněk - 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Double free vulnerability in bgpd when processing certain forms of UPDATE message allowing to crash or potentially execute arbitrary code - Resolves: rhbz#1546015- fix link to upstream tarball (#1059219) - reference pidfiles of quagga daemons in service files (#842309)- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- update to Perl 5.18 rebuild- update to - disable ospfapi and ospfclient - fix bogus dates in changelog - resolves : #984532- Rebuilt for new net-snmp- drop unused BR in tetex- quagga is service which might implement networking, thus it should not have WantedBy=network.target in its systemd configuration - resolves: #976883- obsolete quagga-sysvinit subpackage - use macro to specify location where to install tmpfiles configuration file - fix rpm scripts handling documentation in info format- configure quagga using correct user- call chmod on correct path- build package with required compiler flags- claim ownership of libdir/quagga directory - fix dependencies- update to - install tmpfiles dropping configuration to proper location - drop sysv subpackage and initscripts support- fix typo in ipv6.texi documentation- update to 0.99.22 - quagga-CVE-2012-1820.patch has been merged - explicitly enable SMNP AgentX interface- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- build with -fno-strict-aliasing- fix CVE-2012-1820- update to 0.99.21 - various packaging fixes- updated to latest upstream version Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- modified permissions of var dirs (fixes #755491)- Rebuilt for glibc bug#747377- fixes #746886 - severe memory leak in quagga 0.99.{19,20}- updated to latest upstream version 0.99.20 - fixes #741343 - CVE-2011-3325 corrected fix- fixes #741343 - CVE-2011-3323 CVE-2011-3324 CVE-2011-3325 CVE-2011-3326 CVE-2011-3327 - fixes #741580 - updated to latest upstream version 0.99.19- rebuild for rpm- rebuild for libcap- fixes #716561 - isisd binary is not included in quagga- fixes #719610 - add unit files, SysV initscripts moved to subpackage- rebuild with new snmp- removed conflicts tag- fixes Requires /sbin/{chkconfig, install-info} (#226352 - Merge review)- rebuild to keep correct nvr rule F15 vers. F16- fixes #689852 - CVE-2010-1674 CVE-2010-1675 quagga various flaws - fixes #690087 - ripd fails to start - fixes #689763 - updated to latest upstream version 0.99.18- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- #656681 - using tmpfiles.d- fixes #656681 - using %ghost on files in /var/run and /var/lock - removed unused script from spec - corrected installing /etc/pam.d- rebuild for net-snmp- update to latest upstream - fixes #628981 - CVE-2010-2948 and CVE-2010-2949- fixes #525666 - Missing man-pages - fixed and added initscript of watchquagga daemon- added license text to subpackages - fixes #609931 - quagga : does not adhere to Static Library Packaging Guidelines- fixes #609616 - does not adhere to Static Library Packaging Guidelines- pam.d is disabled- latest upstream version - merged initscript patches- changes in spec file and init scritps (#226352)- bump to latest upstream - fixed #527734 - posix compliant init scripts- fixed #516005 - Errors installing quagga-0.99.11-2.fc11.i586 with --excludedocs - fixed #522787 - quagga: build future versions without PAM- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- replaced Obsoletes by Conflicts- update to latest upstream version - fix #499960 - BGPd in Quagga prior to 0.99.12 has a serious assert problem crashing with ASN4's- fix #498832 - bgpd crashes on as paths containing more 6 digit as numbers - corrected release number- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- bump to latest upstream version 0.99.11- fix license tag- upgrade to new upstream 0.99.10- fix vtysh.conf owner and group (#416121) - fix bpgd IPv6 advertisements, patch from upstream (#429448)- rebuild for gcc-4.3- check port number range when using -P or -p (#206071)- rebuild- resolves: #376821: ospfd init script looks for ospf6 configuration and lock file - resolves: #376841: Usage string in ospf6d init script incorrect- upgrade to new upstream 0.99.9 - Resolves: #292841: CVE-2007-4826 quagga bgpd DoS- rebuild- upgrade to new upstream version 0.99.8 - resolves: #249423: scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d/* are marked as config files in specfile - resolves: #247040: Initscript Review - resolves: #249538: Inconsistencies in init scripts - resolves: #220531: quagga: non-failsafe install-info usage, info files removed from index on update- upgrade to new upstream 0.99.7 - resolves: #240488: CVE-2007-1995 Quagga bgpd DoS- upgrade to new upstream 0.99.6 - Resolves: #233909: quagga: unowned directory - removed redundant patches (#226352)- Resolves: #172548 - quagga.spec defines with_vtysh 1 but vtysh is not enabled in the build- rebuild- Upgrade to new upstream version, closing security problems: bz#191081 CVE-2006-2223 Quagga RIPd information disclosure bz#191085 CVE-2006-2224 Quagga RIPd route injection- use an assigned gid for quaggavt- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- rebuilt- add the -pie patch, to make -fPIE compiling actually work on all platforms. - Include -pam patch to close bz#170256 ? pam_stack is deprecated - Change ucd-snmp to net-snmp to close bz#164333 ? quagga 0.98.4-2 requires now obsolete package ucd-snmp-devel - also fix duplicate line mentioned in bz#164333- New upstream version.- New upstream version.- new upstream verison. - remove the -bug157 patch.- New upstream version, inclues my -gcc4 patch, and a patch from Vladimir Ivanov - New upstream version. This fixes bz#143796 - --with-rtadv needs to be --enable-rtadv according to configure. (but it was enabled by default, so this is a cosmetic change only) Change /etc/logrotate.d/* to /etc/logrotate.d/quagga in this spec file. - Modify this spec file to move the .so files to the base package and close bz#140894 - Modify this spec file to separate out macro <_includedir>/quagga/ospfd from .../*.h and macro <_includedir>/quagga/ospfapi from .../*.h Rpmbuild probably shouldn't allow macro of a plain file.- Rebuilt for new readline. - Don't explicitly require readline. The correct dependency is automatically picked up by linking against it.- remove target buildroot again to not waste disk space- New upstream version.- New upstream version.- New upstream version. This obsoletes the -lib64 patch.- Change the permissions of /var/run/quagga to 771 and /var/log/quagga to 770 This closes #134793- don't run by default- rebuilt- New upstream version - Change includedir - Change the pre scriptlet to fail if the useradd command fails. - Remove obsolete patches from this .spec file and renumber the two remaining ones.- rebuilt- Add --enable-rtadv, to turn ipv6 router advertisement back on. Closes bugzilla #114691- rebuilt- New upstream version - include .h files in the -devel package.- Patch a remote DoS attack (#107140) - New upstream version - Removed the .libcap patch, which was applied upstream - Renamed the vty group from quaggavty to quaggavt because quaggavty is too long for NIS. - Patch the spec file to fix #106857: /etc/quagga/zebra.conf is created with the wrong owner. - Removed the "med" part of the 0.96.1-warnings patch for . . . - Add a new warnings patch with a fix for #106315. This also updates the "med" part of the previous warnings patch.- merge sysconfig patch from 3E branch. This patch is from Kaj J. Niemi (kajtzu@basen.net), and puts Quagga configuration options in /etc/sysconfig/quagga, and defaults Quagga to listening on only. This closes #104376 - Use /sbin/nologin for the shell of the quagga user. This closes #103320 - Update the quagga-0.96.1-warnings.patch patch to kill a couple more warnings.- Remove the directory part of paths for PAM modules in quagga.pam, allowing libpam to search its default directory (needed if a 64-bit libpam needs to look in /lib64/security instead of /lib/security).- New upstream version- Merge from quagga-3E-branch, with a fix for #102673 and a couple more compiler warnings quashed.- added a patch (libwrap) to allow the generated Makefiles for zebra/ and lib/ to work on AMD64 systems. For some reason make there does not like a dependency on -lcap - added a patch (warnings) to shut up warnings about an undefined structure type in some function prototypes and quiet down all the warnings about assert(ptr) on x86_64. - Modified the upstream quagga-0.96/readhat/quagga.spec to work as an official Red Hat package (remove user and group creation and changes to services) - Trimmed changelog. See the upstream .spec file for previous changelog entries. -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textPerl script, ASCII text executableBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executableLisp/Scheme program, ASCII textRRRRR?7zXZ !#,]"k%O^q*t#rejV}7B )l{SQ`Зb<7NοA'emC+|da*{6DIj, F&9\)%};1<ݢU#n6a]{|c_a t[7{ 7n LJ:kWmgeZtSԋsjoPF+*eb_:LIoV~0wB?җb8YotO:>q 0*2lk圍.J*2˽'r_I2o.*)}RY/om]%[zz"S1gT AsvZMxZ@+S y[2[xeAI|۶&B;g _*HZHa1K||R(*̦Hrё5Q (Rxk@cbVZME9g"h6pNh9&W ?jb;\mm'>ޭV֜paR%ȢVnqn2/>yw P7*L;ⵧٞ띮?P6p?48Zhϋ _2wjDKxa>|(~ F˯9]!3WicgzeU^&<W `QШү7gɖ]tti￈&O,ݨzAk4)e&b8 F3smm3>t.MeI5ɒTް&n`Lts)`&i?wU˭6{p!>V"A?l|i˥|D,k Q6C  _^:{Qޓ;mowЌ&7?LE5yҗ8O'`c"P]motPRO$Bgb椤K}3hG1ϣ%!:NJ)H蔐h&Ҟb_7!hh}84$Pj\'X)A% ^t,EWc82gc2Qpf 6el,cyRJZo̓ Z3s2nZ-"i!CE c1NDz9K%=!a`;4xhe-F8:Yd WњaT,0kI0 %}9 z|nafQ)5ifw5+'+5I&_'Vjl_L7Pd5ޢՄuS㎩U `8@Q}Ce6v};` & /