scl-utils-20130529-18.el7_4$>UP20z~K,l>8)P?)@d   Bpt  8 H X x  @d(B8L494:4G%@H%`I%X%Y%\%]%^&b&Yd&e&f&l&t'u'4v'Tw(x(y) )<Cscl-utils2013052918.el7_4Utilities for alternative packagingRun-time utility for alternative packaging.Yc1bm.rdu2.centos.orgaCentOSGPLv2+CentOS BuildSystem Applications/FileAA큤YYYYYYYYdd226653bd7a8a117a97edfea8a0fa0c6cdf5ecf32f08a7356c0fae8115217721e9553595595f58bde0e47818fb8e7e3653d67f43575632ee846c29c848e487e6f66476ea47d5b86aaf311750de91767ce808f58d8014fc61987e5c39b151548c9f442787e785a454eb29439ea40d5044367645d71bea4cf5469c5370147d73122952ab1df708ac2e0ae377b9dc27f8883772954e5334d52f236148a4766a6cfprefixesrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootscl-utils-20130529-18.el7_4.src.rpmscl-utilsscl-utils(x86-64)@@@@@@@@@   @ /bin/bash/bin/}T@T@T|TTT@TG@T5'@T*@SvRUR&RkRQQ @PѬ@Pd?P#@PkPP O؀Os@OO@ON@O3@OO yNN@NåNN{#@N@MAMAMM@MMM@M@MMd@M{@M)MƅJoe Orton - 20130529-18Lubos Karddos - 20130529-17Lubos Karddos - 20130529-16Lubos Karddos - 20130529-15Jan Zeleny - 20142529-14Jan Zeleny - 20130529-13Jan Zeleny - 20132529-13Jan Zeleny - 20132529-12Jan Zeleny - 20130529-11Lubos Kardos - 20130529-10Lubos Kardos - 20130529-9Lubos Kardos - 20130529-6Daniel Mach - 20130529-5Jan Zeleny - 20130529-4Daniel Mach - 20130529-3Jan Zeleny - 20130529-2Jan Zeleny - 20130529-1Jindrich Novy 20121110-2Jindrich Novy 20121110-1Jindrich Novy 20120927-1Jindrich Novy 20120809-1Jindrich Novy 20120802-1Jindrich Novy 20120731-1Fedora Release Engineering - 20120613-2Jindrich Novy 20120613-1Jindrich Novy 20120503-1Jindrich Novy 20120423-1Jindrich Novy 20120413-1Jindrich Novy 20120229-1Jindrich Novy 20120209-1Jindrich Novy 20120125-1Jindrich Novy 20120111-1Jindrich Novy 20111214-1Jindrich Novy 20111209-1Jindrich Novy 20111116-1Jindrich Novy 20111017-1Jindrich Novy 0.1-14Jindrich Novy 0.1-13Jindrich Novy 0.1-12Jindrich Novy 0.1-11Jindrich Novy 0.1-10Jindrich Novy 0.1-9Jindrich Novy 0.1-8Jindrich Novy 0.1-7Jindrich Novy 0.1-6Jindrich Novy 0.1-5Jindrich Novy 0.1-4Jindrich Novy 0.1-3Jindrich Novy 0.1-2Jindrich Novy 0.1-1- fix "scl enable" usage in shebang lines (#1372700)- Remove /uucp/ from directory structure.- Remove /scls/ from macros _sysconfdir, _sharedstatedir and _localstatedir- fixed wrong syntax of or-operator in scl.attr- remove the vendor prefix from %scl_install- bump the version to get in sync with 7.1 branch - Reflect the state of %nfsmountable macro in collections' rpm macro files - escape all the % chars in changelog- after a thorough discussion with scl maintainers, revert the vendor prefix in package names- the second half of the macro rename- renamed %scl_pkg_prefix to %scl_full_prefix (#1167042)- Allow to use vendor prefix in packages names - Include %nfsmountable macro into scl's rpm macros file- "filesystem" is now symlink to file "filelist"- Modified paths of state and conf files - Add owning and creating of state and conf files if nfsmountable is defined - Add printing file names in error messagesSupport for importing collections from NFS mounts - Add execution of register and deregister scripts during registration and deregistration if they exist. - Add capability to make collection nfs mountable using macro nfsmountable.Catch up with Fedora and RHEL6 - add automatic Provides: scl-package(%scl) to all scl packages (except for metapackages) - add automatic Requires: %scl_runtime to all scl packages (except for metapackages) - the "filesystem" file renamed back to "filelist" - add correct dependencies to debug packages. - allow disabling debuginfo generation - remove automatic creation of debuginfo for metapackage. - rephrase command description in man page - fix system paths in __os_install_post - remove the sclbuild utility, as it's mostly useless - add the command set to register/deregister collection - fix missing allocation check in read_script_output() - drop recursive ownership of /usr/lib within SCL root - introduce %scl_dependency_generators macro- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- fixed some coverity-reported bugs (related: #1032616) - a note about env. variables in man page (#968954) - drop the /var/spool/uucp from the default fs structure (#1033674)- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- add scl_source script for intercollection dependencies (#1032444) - updated macros in macros.scl-filesystem (#1032451, #1032451) - add delimiter between collections and command (#1032460) - fix the name of attr macros (#1023628)- changed the upstream tarball location - update to 20130529- add build compatibility fixes- introduce sclbuild utility - fix exporting of env. variables when mutiple collections are enabled at the same time - better bash completion - fix changelog- update to 20120927 - better BUILDROOT processing - bash completition for scl command - debuginfo package now has SCL-specific provide - non-SCL builds are without warning in build log - improved help- update to 20120809 - processes the SCL buildroot correctly now- update to 20120802- add functionality that allows to list all packages in a collection - add dependency generators- Rebuilt for Requires: iso-codes for basic filesystem in build subpackage - add scl_require_package() macro to depend on a particular package from the collection - fix filesystem file list - tighten runtime package dependency via scl_require() - fix _localstatedir to point to the correct path according to redhat-rpm-config - thanks to Bohuslav Kabrda for feature proposals/QA/fixes- avoid doublefree corruption when reading commands from stdin- keep filesystem macros out of the main sources as it is distro-dependent- filesystem ownership by meta package - add man page - fix memory leak when parsing commands from stdin - use more descriptive error message if /etc/prefixes is missing- do not prepend scl_* prefix to package names - unify package naming to -package-version - add scl --list functionality to list available SCLs- fix minor bugs (#788194) - clear temp files - handle commands from stdin properly - run command even if ran as "scl enable SCL command" from already enabled SCL- remove dsc macros - trigger scl-utils-build BR inclusion while using scl macros- add "dsc" alias to "scl" utility- initial review fixes (#767556)- allow to use dsc_* macros and dsc* package naming- package is now named scl-utils- initial packaging for upstream- define %_defaultdocdir to properly relocate docs into a stack - document a way how to pass command to stack via stdin- fix Stack meta config configuration- use own Stack path configuration mechanism- avoid redefinition of %_root* macros by multiple occurence of %stack_package - make the Stack root path configurable- stack utility allows to read command from stdin- introduce stack enablement tracking - introduce "stack_enabled" helper utility to let a stack application figure out which stacks are actually enabled - disallow running stacks recursively- stack utility returns executed commands' exit value- fix possible segfault in the stack utility- %stack_name: initial part of stack prefix and name of meta package providing scriptlets - %stack_prefix: stack namespacing part to be prepended to original non-stack package name, can be used for Provides namespacing as well - %stack_runtime: run-time package name providing scriptlets - %stack_require: macro to define dependency to other stacks- split the package into two - runtime and build part - decrease verbosity when enabling a stack- prepend stack package with stack_* to prevent namespace conflicts with core packages- introduce metapackage concept- modify macros so that they don't change preamble tags- initial packaging20130529-18.el7_420130529-18.el7_4scl.bashconfprefixesrhsclscl_enabledscl_sourcescl.1.gz/etc/bash_completion.d//etc/scl//opt//usr/bin//usr/share/man/man1/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectoryELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=1ace6ef071282dfb2a6bb801a8ec1bfe631876a1, strippedPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executableBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executabletroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression) RRRRRRRR RR?7zXZ !PH6T=(]"k%{d6O"aTDb!4M#ɾ9{vYR7 %Y0Wsب;1.+bjK3Cme@n*#UJщ%+f5px,0y{3H oDEa 觜7;mT;=S /]VEV\5B}۾)Ҡ)]b~e|H^r'F!桎(MslQ(6jQ\Ygݬ6ʎ pJWKh?"!b_\!h-{tW}zWtaX );Md.dߔBziU#^*-[%Ѵ.ߨ*D!F7j,::pJcn~߰3@ -?#pTmEMRyfwJ7C|.b`fwe]ߏɿuOTdtDj !4;+0z,|ǾJVvfXO 1޸Y8qW4Ow N3 "gWD+]jP)R^VJR#q /" mzt}¥$ Gu; Ƽ6e}\6H 9?b*r!%v~ce6~B@qSlbjju} ,/*CdooC>˳vI*=:KKNLuXz2m\_gluxp \~$uا}`5}J&u}LeτT--1n~,hoF >UrV?tN 2ulSf}JD5o~%75'JcTX@*\BG"P )-r7$ ػǘ8f ؠt8H8y/=1W +k#Sy9+Tqa-/p(S7s'͜2}ex! 9:KR_BGZrW zYTUSFM_II m=?w Lx~Gy۾^>'W;%e$YArŻii }"?=_{.HO]S!`?K +a4Z;Z[ z!t@Y|FŽ@Bu'4l Yh"tBpp KMd[G~5,F/ ҵ&a]cQ"n0%>fLdwfG]E_5 VZPl5 PᅬJ =R\S>4З30͎?]Ia?%\t`P|H3OvGt}IrⰢWUlO)Y~˦^ڏ.{~y1bDɼK\]# <]$]ЩvZigd3Hj0ZfLMq%MkPV;hwP'-ƲmA]ۂO5;`?>CU~+,^S77͗6DȘy/v[ ٜG ܒH+&z@JlDs8gS 7=\*' f^T%ؽ'0F>5/e7KprCGRyhtѹY'@4lC2'häMz(C@<=*2o('Xj{p0oo%Ԙh93(>2uֽ[_K̷$ R靻*ы$'R!:+ ɑenNnjV'4\o3%u#a׿J˨HfI,uzslQw-A'*fBlX &[&b^¡B:^ %CqQH۔PyVwc/G2kT;kd3`Tdz?ew.P2Ǧ.*5Uz4В/}j"^J.>eVz{:>ch)Acf gH`@Ch~&$5#_Ď~`{@Þ²RU*6]Rs8q,nn%[Ô2W$bL-~HiCz}ɦ3 JJV!iU.#vҠX4QɣiT,JWA&,[z<{K2XҘBpEdJ1 f2S8%GO3wֹB`R5!C P$ f)G%ڣm>P^d_kqjř4T5*R8nDpʁSb&lO&Īrnj2}(1_M==d_4-F6}v?n@U۞6XcH}Y["g|\ccUIX6ZGL/?lY1 IA- R_\}0ȧwJJk?mTCBy 28=#anYAAl۩܍|P J@?Lqrv~ \^8 0)0Mh["(cqf0LQ{0sxҥEgp]ò9YM Y5-(Bpaci{&q6b2g|,fwIp n[<H7r0oy凫xӭאO5BVuAKI,#S(+ڜU6w43AcBwp7@'H܁u(r꜀q¤baEn?v^=u\Z8QI%§Et䡝3ZSmۿۿgx_$;~.:7Yṛ́6HjyRMH4xorMwk^T#*TQԣQ7d?PwP_$S ?4PDOQ߿b0=huE1 k&Z`lr>sohkj^ b p+[zIBKN7IFenS@mũ6k UB|Giɱ̅s[ ߾2uj bjDC{:]T^_cW,5jaX+7XdH2G;;^eZ0pVkѼږ ߿>! 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